Jiggmin's Village

Full Version: Weekly Update (of sorts)
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Hey all! I've been hard at work with things IRL, so no Motley, Totley, W0tley, or Thotley vid this week. :/

Here's a text update!
- I've been hard at work on a secret project I mentioned in my blog a few days ago. Still a long way off, though.
- There was a function that, for some reason, wasn't working correctly in the Dots/Kong/PR1 servers. I did some maintenance, and I'm happy to report that this should prevent them from going down more often than not.
- Beta testing on a new addition to PR1 is underway! Stay tuned for that!

I've been reading through all of the PRF suggestions and they all look awesome. Hopefully, Jiggmin will take community input!

See you all next week. ~~~