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When sifting through old code trying to find different names of things, I've found it extremely useful and time-saving to run a PHP script from the command line that searches through all the files in a directory on my computer for a search term. On this particular project, I have it set to sift through ActionScript files only, but you can set it to anything. Here it is, if anyone's interested:

PHP Code:

__DIR__ "/fla";

if (!isset(
$argv[2])) {
$argv[2] = false;

$files getDirContents($base_path);

getDirContents($dir, &$results = array()){
$files scandir($dir);

$files as $key => $value){
$path realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$value);
is_dir($path)) {
$results[] = $path;
        } else if(
$value != "." && $value != "..") {
$results[] = $path;



$continue false;
$filesChanged 0;
    foreach (
$files as $file) {
$file_path $file;
        if (
substr($file, -33) == ".as") {
$find $argv[1];
$strict $argv[2] == 'true' true false;
$file file_get_contents($file_path);
            if (
$strict === false && strpos($file$find) !== false && !isset($argv[3])) {
            } elseif (
$strict === true && preg_match("/\b$find\b/"$file) && !isset($argv[3])) {
            } elseif (isset(
$argv[3])) {
                if (
$continue === false) {
"\nReplace \"$find\" with \"$argv[3]\"?\nWARNING: THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE.\n\nContinue? (yes/no): ";
$reply trim(strtolower(fgets(fopen("php://stdin","r"))));
                    if (
$reply == 'true' || $reply == 't' || $reply == 'yes' || $reply == 'y') {
$continue true;
                    } else {
                if (
$strict === false && strpos($file$find) !== false) {
file_put_contents($file_pathstr_replace($find$argv[3], $file));
                } elseif (
$strict === true && preg_match("/\b$find\b/"$file)) {
file_put_contents($file_pathpreg_replace("/\b$find\b/"$argv[3], $file));
                } else {
$continue false;
    if (
$filesChanged 0) {
"\nTotal files changed: $filesChanged\n\n";
    } else {
        if (!isset(
$argv[3])) {
        } else {
"\nNo files to be changed.\n\n";

The arguments are:
[0] = File
[1] = Find
[2] = Strict? (yes/true uses preg_match to match exact words, no/false uses strpos for a character match)
[3] = Replace

A sample run on the command line for me would be:

php /Users/ben/Projects/SuperSecretThings/search.php "Example" true

That would give me a strict, case-sensitive result for the complete word "Example" as opposed to also getting a result for "ExampleData".

Anyway, yep. I hope y'all learned something and/or have a use for the code in your own projects.
interesting, even though I dont know how to code at all and that xd
(8th December 2018, 5:26 AM)xGuest Wrote: [ -> ]interesting, even though I dont know how to code at all and that xd

Haha, I'm actually learning PHP rn, so I understand a little bitTongue