28th April 2019, 9:09 AM
- What are your opinions on self-driving cars, any pros and cons?
- How fast do you think they should/would be implemented if at all?
- What do you as the risks involved and how do you think they should they be managed?
- Moral/Ethical Dilemmas?
- How fast do you think they should/would be implemented if at all?
- What do you as the risks involved and how do you think they should they be managed?
- Moral/Ethical Dilemmas?
- I think we should have self-driving cars as machines don't make human errors, get drunk, etc. and so they'll be safer and prevent injuries and deaths especially when a lot of the cars on the road are self-driving.
- They should be tested well first however, but governments should allow more of this testing and encourage it. The self-driving cars shouldn't be rushed out ASAP without proper tests or analysis of the two points below.
- Risks involved include the fact that since the car would be automated, there needs to be checks against malicious code and manual overrides for different scenarios such as opening the doors (so someone can't trap you in with a virus).
- The toughest part in all of this imo is the moral/ethical dilemmas, that would have to be heavily analysed and be as fair as possible. I'm not good at this kinda stuff so I can't really have a good/strong opinion on this one.