Jiggmin's Village
Slopes - Printable Version

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Slopes - Northadox - 7th May 2024

'nuff said. 45 degrees only could be good, but you could have a variety of different grades. 

It would make sense for the only blocks to be "slopified" are the basic blocks. Might have to change the way tiles are handled to make it look more clean.

Bonus points if you include a Mario-esque buttslide mechanic. This might be too much, though; how the game might improve on the movement is up to Jiggmin.

RE: Slopes - Camer the Dragon - 7th May 2024

Slopes would be cool but I feel a bit difficult to implement possibly, although I haven't tried to do such things before
(Also whenever I see slopes suggested I read it in Ceave Gaming's voice lmao, someone from YT)

RE: Slopes - Mia - 7th May 2024

Being able to walk up blocks without having to jump would be a nice feature!

RE: Slopes - Master Raiden - 7th May 2024

Also, if you had an upside-down slope above you, you can bump it with your head to gain a small speed boost if the slope is facing away from you, or you can slow yourself down if the slope if facing towards you.

RE: Slopes - Delphinoid_ - 7th May 2024

At first I was kinda iffy on the idea of slopes in PR but depending on the game's physics they could create some really cool movement opportunities. They'd be really neat to see, but I won't be disappointed if we don't get them.