Jiggmin's Village
Full-color minimap - Printable Version

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Full-color minimap - Northadox - 7th May 2024

Rather than the one-bit color view of PR2's, use something like PR3's system, borrowing the block colors to create a more illustrative minimap view of the level. 
Could be nice for making minimap art.

RE: Full-color minimap - Camer the Dragon - 7th May 2024

Yeah plus it also gives you more information on where to go (which bit is solid, which is water, vanish, bricks, etc.), which is useful for a minimap to have

RE: Full-color minimap - Master Raiden - 7th May 2024

I also liked the PR1 feature where you can see other players' characters on the minimap.
You could tell which way they ware facing, whether they were running/crawling, and I think what item they had.

RE: Full-color minimap - Camer the Dragon - 7th May 2024

(7th May 2024, 8:41 PM)Master Raiden Wrote: I also liked the PR1 feature where you can see other players' characters on the minimap.
You could tell which way they ware facing, whether they were running/crawling, and I think what item they had.

This is a cool idea, it could probably be a diff thread tbh