Jiggmin's Village
8+ player support - Printable Version

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8+ player support - Mia - 7th May 2024

Title says it all, pretty much. The ability to race with 8 or more people in the same race! I've noticed some people getting left out of races because they have 4 people, so this would feel less restricting. Ideally, there would be like 12 people per race, sort of like the modern Mario Kart games.

RE: 8+ player support - Northadox - 7th May 2024

Why stop at 8? Screw it! Let levels have as many players as the servers can handle. I want 100+ player Platform Racing Battle Royales!!!

RE: 8+ player support - Camer the Dragon - 7th May 2024

16 at least I'd say, but uncapped would be best
If using the 1-4 system like in the current pr2 blocks and on the github, it could go 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... for starting position (i.e. mod 4 but with 4 instead of 0)

RE: 8+ player support - MoonFiredk - 13th May 2024

I would love to have more than 4 players being able to race together Big Grin !

RE: 8+ player support - ThePizzaEater1000 - 15th May 2024

(7th May 2024, 8:02 PM)Camer the Dragon Wrote: 16 at least I'd say, but uncapped would be best
If using the 1-4 system like in the current pr2 blocks and on the github, it could go 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... for starting position (i.e. mod 4 but with 4 instead of 0)

If custom blocks ever get added, it'd be nice for start flags to have some kind of order number where lowest is "priority" to control the start position order. In fact, I'm gonna suggest that for pr3 right now that sounds pretty useful

RE: 8+ player support - Adulock77 - 18th May 2024

Yes please!!

I don't know if the game can support that many players or if it might tank the performance or, create even more lag but it'll still be hype as sh** xD

This can instantly improve many of the regular modes such as:
  • Racing!
  • Traps!
  • Deathmatches!
  • Objetive mode!!! (If it comes back anyway.... i.... i liked it...cough*)

And whatever other new modes Jiggmin might introduce later :]