Big Brother: Trials and Temptations RE-DUX
Death laughed and killed the kid that ran into the forest, a little rouch ate the kid arm off
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The other kid started to bleed
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
and say "I cant die I wanna see my parents"
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
Their parents were already dead becuse death could come from anywhere,
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The kid found and use a flash light to shine on the grim reaper
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The grim reaper was nothing but the devil playing tricks and laughing like it was just a joke
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The devil goes back underground and says You Would Get mad cow sickness soon
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The kid goes to the hospital train looking out the window
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
Sonic appears out of nowhere and blasted the kid body opened and run really fast
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime

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