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Let's get this thread to a mill... Thu, 22:02 Different Village Games
Level of the Week! (PR2) Wed, 21:03 Dangevin Platform Racing 2
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EMBARRASSMENT ☠️ Fri, 8:03 Different Discussion Hall
My PR4 Ideas Fri, 1:04 Overbeing PR4 Suggestions
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Posted by: Different - 7th September 2024, 1:13 PM - Forum: Discussion Hall - Replies (13)

[Image: z6Y9dW1.jpeg]

How many of you guys like to take COLD showers? It can be one of the most uncomfortable, dreadful feelings in the world, right?! Some of you may view it as being a little unorthodox because you’re normally used to enjoying the luxury of taking hot showers. Typically, it’s a water heater that provides hot water for you to enjoy your showers. But what happens when it breaks down and you’re working a sorry ass job? You can’t afford to pay for that. Your bills are stressing you out, your savings account is pathetic, and you have debts that prevents you from keeping up.

[Image: 8OrsdbK.jpeg]

WWYD (What would you do): Suppose your water heater completely breaks down, and nothing comes out but ICE COLD water. At this point, you call a repairman to fix the water heater. He comes out to your house, takes a look at it and says that it’s too far gone and that you’re going to need a replacement. He then says that’ll be $5k for replacement. Even after you seek a second opinion, everyone ends up saying the same thing. Now $5k is a lot of money to replace a water heater, and I know that y’all don’t want to go out in public smelling like failure.

So what do you do now? A water heater replacement is out of your budget. I know… how about taking a COLD shower, right?! Makes you feel miserable just thinking about it, huh? That ICE COLD water running down your skin making you shiver and quiver under temperatures beyond your body’s temperature. It sounds easy at first, but then once you try it, you’re instantly feeling regretful. To some of you, that might not be a problem.

RECAP: The water heater is broken down, replacement is out of your budget, and you’re left with COLD showers. Now what?

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Posted by: Different - 4th September 2024, 11:14 AM - Forum: Discussion Hall - Replies (4)

[Image: 0aURvBx.jpeg]

You’ve all been in that devastating situation before, where you’ve done something really imbecilic and you’ve felt embarrassed about it. Real friends will lend a hand out to you and give you words of encouragement. Backstabbers will take advantage of the situation and find humor in your mistakes. Then if that’s not enough, they’ll figure out a way to sabotage you and post it on X or something.

Some embarrassing things in life that you do, may end up following you forever. You know how it is when you’re constantly feeling like a TARGET for open shots wherever you go. You could be in the gym, at the airport, or even at a coffee shop and people will still laugh at you reminding you of what you did. Everyone saw the clip on YouTube, it went viral, and the entire world is just mocking you. Why me?… Why always me? Every single time, bro. You just can’t help but become accident prone and embarrass yourself. It could even be a family dinner and you accidentally belch across the table.

I know you’ve all heard your parents say, “you’re a disgrace to this family!” But the question is, how do you bounce back from embarrassment, especially when it haunts you for life?

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Posted by: 1amayzingman - 29th August 2024, 7:07 PM - Forum: Blogs - Replies (6)

what's up

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  My PR4 Ideas
Posted by: Overbeing - 27th August 2024, 12:40 AM - Forum: PR4 Suggestions - Replies (3)

The PR2 and PR3 campaign contests were a lot of fun, but ended up with a high variance of quality and with a lot of work that went to waste. They had everyone scrambling to make as many decent levels as they could in the themes or working really hard on one great level, and what if it isn't chosen?

I would have a team of contracted level makers and level testers who are working together and spreading out the load. By working together, they would have more time to work on the things that they are good at and give one another feedback. Ideally they would be contracted/paid in some way so that they could put a lot of work into it.
The community made levels of these games is what brings them to life, but some all out levels that are the first things people are playing and set the tone for the whole game is important. (I would love to be involved. I think I have a great grasp of level design and campaign design. I have been working on my own side campaign project on the profile The Duck. They could be elevated a lot more, but they are a solid proof of concept. (and the project is not done, but has 24 levels atm.))

I would separate out the campaign into themes that i talk about below, but having a designated tutorial would be nice. then having a racing campaign, a challenge campaign and a non-race/battle campaign would be awesome. that way each can focus on what it does best instead of one campaign that is trying to do it all. 


the goal is to help players find the types of levels that they want to play and other players that want the same thing. PR2 ended up with most players playing the campaign levels when looking for races. The ATB and Weekly lists didn't see a lot of action for groups.
PR3 set up the campaign as more of a trial experience, but because there was no multiplayer campaign tab, they didn't really get as much attention as the pr2 campaign. And the campaign was trying to do a lot of different things that didn't always lend itself to multiplayer races or replayability. like the tutorial levels. If there are too many different tabs though, it'll spread out the players too much and will make it harder for players to find the types of races they want to play with others.
The pr3 queued tab was great for helper racers find one another, but having a hybrid could be really nice. when someone queues in the multiplayer campaign tab, itll also be added to the active queue tab.


Tutorial (levels that introduce blocks and mechanics.)

Time trial race campaign (levels designed for racing and/or time trials. Having more campaigns come out in the future will also help, but these should be the levels that people will want to race on over and over, and to get records on. Cosmetics and achievements will also center around them.)

Challenge campaign time trials (for the hard core players, some difficult and challenging levels that give good rewards upon completion)

Featured levels time trials (level of the day/week/month/season levels picked by the staff or voted by the community. Maybe some of these could be added to a campaign at some point too! They will likely have achievements on them as well, but maybe with a time limit.)

Some tabs with some of the more useful things that someone would search, like Highest Rated, most favorited, most played, new, hot (meaning popular and recent), weekly best

Custom map time trials/solo play (a search menu, but you won't be added to the multiplayer queue)


Active queue (the levels that people are wanting to find racers for should be on the side of the multiplayer menu at all times, but can be expanded to full screen and you can do an advance search and search for specific race type tags of the queued levels)

Race campaign: the same campaign(s) for time trials, but now people are racing their hearts out on them. Some will have been designed for consistency, but others will use elements to allow the players to interact to increase variance and be more casual. This all be a great place to earn cosmetics and finish achievements.)

Featured levels (the same featured levels, but now in a multiplayer queue, limited time rewards should be on them.)

The same tabs for common useful searches. ( like Highest Rated, most favorited, most played, new, hot (meaning popular and recent), weekly best)

Battles or non-race tab.
Battle campaign (a compact selection of some good non-racing maps that introduce the different types and give people some worth mastering and playing over and over. Cosmetics and achievements!)

Featured battles (community made levels that are being highlighted, possibly with contests. Cosmetics and achievements, possibly limited time)

Highest rated battles, most played most favorited, you get the idea.

Search feature:
(Being able to swap between solo and multiplayer searches should be easy. You should also be able to choose as you select a level.)

Advanced search. (Multiple searches at once. Ex, levels with over 100 plays and over a 3.0 rating).
Search by gold medal time/length, date published, featured level creators (maybe there could be some badges that level makers earn when they have a featured level that signifies to players that theirs are of high quality.), featured levels,
Search by level Tags. Race, battle, frust/trial, trap, don't move/idle, puzzle, teamwork, pathfinding, glitch, long, short, scenery, silly, concept, adventure, ect.
Maybe allow players to create new tags for levels and searches.

Favorite levels. Pulls up levels that you have favorited. I would love it to have a search bar and for you to be able to add your own tags to them to be able to sort by. And I'd love if you could look at other people's favorite levels list.

Random Map Mode:
It would be fun to be able to race or solo a bunch of random maps. being able to use filters to only have certain tags, lengths, number of plays, featured creators, number of finishers or gold medals, ect. would be awesome too.

You can use your in game currency to purchase cosmetics. Shows you active quests that award currency and links you to the levels they are on.

link to contests, discord, forums, social media, featured levels.
Leaderboards, sorted by different criteria like most gold medals, highest level, best of week/month/year/all time. Challenge winners. (Give racers a reason to show off their skills and climb on top.)
Daily/weekly/seasonally challenges, either give parts outright or an in game currency to use at the shop. With links
friends list (being able to write notes on each friend would be awesome. example: we raced and had fun. they have amazing levels. a really strong racer.)

level, block, sticker. Being able to load in offline would be great.
Being able to restrict which hats are ok to use or even force a specific hat on everyone from the start would be great. Forcing specific stats from the start would also be nice, just like being able to set the gravity, setting and/or adjusting the speed, jump, accel would be very helpful.

Be able to select blocks, copy them, rotate, mirror, paste, move them.
being able to make your own stickers would be awesome. it would allow level makers to decorate better and with less effort.
Being able to have level collaborations with other level makers would be awesome. each level maker's name would be on the level and it would show up in each of their profiles, but the level would be the same ID. This would encourage players to work together and make things of really high quality.


Zooming. (when going fast in a level, it is impossible to see what is coming up. I'd love to be able to scroll the mouse wheel or set hotkeys for zooming in and out. Having a feature that zoomed out when you speed up and zoomed in when you slow down would be nice to be able to toggle on and off.)

there should be a competitive mode toggle when selecting a level. leaderboards and medals should only use set stats that make sense and limit to only cosmetic hats, or maybe a split leaderboard for competitive and casual times. This'll give more competitive racers show their skill. It'll also lower the barrier of entry for newer players to compete with players who have more hats and stats.

The Hats and the stats in platform racing are too powerful. Some are awesome for fun and casual gameplay, but many break the game, or at least many levels. being able to restrict hats would be nice, but I would power them down so that it would be less necessary.

Edit 1. Ramblings:

The more I think about it, the more I would prefer it players were not able to change stats, but I understand that they are pretty ingrained into the game. The upsides of set stats are that levels can be designed for the stats that everyone will be using. the level maker will be able to use blocks and settings to effect the players stats. It would also unify the leaderboards and the medal system so that players are all on the same playing field. Gold medals could get too easy for high level players and take some of the challenge away. It feels bad for a new player to not only have less developed skills and knowledge about the game, but to also be slower in every way?
otherwise, a Regulation Mode and a Casual Mode, could solve a lot of the issues. Regulation mode would automatically restrict hats and set stats.

I would love for world record ghosts, gold medal ghosts and personal best ghosts to be available on every level when playing solo. 

I would prefer a thumbs up/thumbs down or Smile  Confused system instead of a 5 star system. Players tend to interact with levels with either 5 or 1 star anyway. But a level with a bunch of 3 star votes ends up looking the same as a level with equal 1 star and 5 star votes. It also lets people try to bomb the ratings of level just to be mean. I think that showing the up votes, the down votes, the times favorited, and the plays a level has is more informative than the rating.

Id love to be able to tell if I have played a level before when it looking through the menus.

Hot levels! a tab showing custom levels that have been played or interacted with the most in the recent days would be awesome.

followed level makers: In addition to being able to mark favorite levels, it would be nice to follow or favorite level makers and have a tab in your profile by the favorite levels that pulls up all of the levels of your followed level makers. I would also want an advanced filter in just about every menu that has custom levels. sort by tags, level types, ect.

cups/tourneys: inspired by mario kart, it would be nice if campaigns were put into cups and you could choose to race in cups of 3 or 4 levels with the same players back to back and have a score system with prizes at the end. Being able to set up custom cups would be fun too!

sending race invites to friends, pinging players by using @ username in chat, being able to mute notifications. Receiving notifications and invites from inside levels and level editor. 

being able to set up private groups by hosting a level or cup and sending invites instead of having it public would be really nice. Being able to have the invite pull players from other servers or from inside another level or the level editor would be nice too.

A cosmetic and season system like the one in the game Fall Guys would make a lot of sense. I would have 2 currencies. Fred Coins and Creator Coins. Fred coins will be obtained from official maps like the campaigns, spotlighted maps or achievements. Creator coins could be earned for every medal you get in custom maps and by winning races. Different cosmetics could be purchased in the store with the different currencies.
Having Daily, Weekly and Seasonal achievements would be a great way to reward players for just getting on the game, or for going all in on a season.
Having the 2 different coins would reward players for playing the way that they would want to anyway. It gives player a reason to master the campaign and spotlight levels, play random levels that they have never played before, and to race on anything and everything against random players.

I am personally not a fan of the Super Jump. It probably prevents players from getting trapped in levels, but it feels slow means that map makers need to make levels with it in mind, which to me feels limiting instead of opening up new fun possibilities. But I won't complain too much if it stays.

It would be cool to be able to set modes on levels that essentially gave a permanent buff/power to the player, like having permanent items. Having the players all start with a specific infinite item, a specific hat, super flying cowboy mode also comes to mind. I don't have too many specific ideas on what that would look like, but I think that there are a lot of possibilities. there would have to be some sort of visual marker to show how the level is modified when on the level select screens.

Edit 2:

Having checkpoints and/or unsafe blocks would be nice.

having saved backgrounds
be able to copy, adjust, resize and customize stickers.
copying blocks or art, loading a new level, then pasting

be able to restart a level at any time. hotkey? for multiplayer this could start a new lobby for the level and take you there.
the ability to see the level name and level maker from inside the level easily. description, tags, ratings, be able to favorite and follow the level maker while playing the level and in the end of level screen.

The atmospheric effect that pr2 has is a good idea, but being able to turn it on or off would go a long way.
one of the issues it made was not being able to find the color you used because the atmospheric effect always made the color look different, so you cant find the color you used again. being able to hotkey some colors in the level editor would be nice.

being able to set up your own custom cups/campaigns and post them. even if they don't contain your own levels.

the ability to detach the camera from the player and look around the map while playing. that way the player can plan ahead or solve a puzzle. the ability for the level maker to lock this ability would be good too.

giving the level maker the ability to adjust the players camera would be cool. make it zoom in or out or even detach it and zoom way out and play with your tiny character running around the screen. then when you get to the edge, the camera jumps forward to another "panel".

being able to block the "art off" option for a level.

race against friends ghosts.

linking finish blocks so that on an objective level, you only need one of each of the linked ones. the ability to set a finish block amount would also be nice, that way they don't need to get all of them.

effect lines or zones instead of just hitting blocks with heads. cross a line or enter a zone to finish, change hats, get an item, change stats, change gravity. then things revert when you leave the zone or hit a reset line.

be able to draw on multiple layers on the same "layer". Overall, modernizing the art system to be more similar to art programs today.

Planning for types of players.

The lead designer of Magic the Gathering, Mark Rosewater, has a system that I like that applies here.

He has archetypes of players that they design cards for:
Timmy: Casual, Exciting, Variance, Social, often Young.
Johnny: Innovative, Creative, Self Expression, Puzzles to solve, Routing.
Spike: Competitive, Consistent, Optimizing, Goal Oriented.
Vorthos: Story, Aesthetic, Character, Art

Making sure that there are game modes and support for each type of player is important.

A Timmy wants to see cool items and effects. They want to battle with weapons. Get their friends involved and make new friends in the game. They tend to come and go more quickly, but be most of the player base at any given time.
Having user friendly modes where they can play over and over, and even if they aren't the best at the game, they still have a chance of winning is important. which is where high variance comes into play.
They need something cool, flashy and epic. These are the types of players who love seeing Don't Move levels or seeing simple glitches. Then get in the editor and make some quick levels themselves.
Having flashy and cool levels and effects that are user friendly, having a user friendly level editor and letting them interact with one another and be social is a great way to get a Timmy and keep them for as long as possible.
Timmy won't want to play much single player, they will be drawn to multiplayer a lot more.

Johnny: They want a challenge to solve. More likely to try to find a faster world record route or even a shortcut. This is the type of player that will want to break the game in their own way and make levels that could only be from them. Giving them ways to innovate and express themselves is important both in racing and level making. They want to find new combinations and ways to interact with the game.
Finely tuned, interesting mechanics, depth of mechanics, complicated or wacky elements that are consistent enough to use in a practical way.
These are the players who discover new interactions or glitches, master mechanics and make progress in the game.
A Johnny will use single player to explore and to solve. When playing multiplayer, they will want ways to show off their style and approach racing in a unique way.

Spike: A Spike wants to win. They will level up to get faster, they will master the levels that people race on and win again and again. They will learn the routes and try to optimize to get world records. They will not only beat the hardest level, they will try to do it better and faster. They will beat their friends and will be on top of that leaderboard. They want consistency. A race shouldn't be left to chance. The best player should win every time. They want ways to compete and show off their cultivated skills. Raise the bar, then raise it again.
Spike will play multiplayer to race and single player to time trial and beat challenges. As long as there are wins or rewards to be had, they will go for them.

Vorthos: They want a mascot, characters, a story, lore, theming, setting. Having custom cups and campaigns would help make levels that fit together in a story. You could do them in chapters, sequels, beginning middle and end. Even having a cute little guy here in there throughout a campaign can go a long way. I would want some of the campaign levels to have a story to them and even fit together. Some of the backgrounds and default art should fit right into some main themes of the game. Fred the Giant Cactus is a great example. One small thing for these types of players to attach themselves to.

When designing levels, game modes and features, I would be trying to either make something specific and perfect for one of these types of players or I would make sure that it had something for 2 or more of these players to like about it.
having tags on levels will help each player type find the types of levels that they want to play.
A good campaign would start by teaching well for everyone, but the young Timmy especially, introduce characters and story for Vorthos, have flashy epic gameplay for Timmy, introduce interesting mechanics for Johnny, give Spike ways to compete and win all within the first handful of levels. Then have modes that are tailor made for them to grow into as they find out what type of player they are and discover what they want out of the game.
I think that is what has made Platform Racing so successful. It really gave all types of players a reason to play and get involved.
It is a new era of gaming, and PR4 has a chance to be very intentional and successful with the way it is presented with the menus and game modes that are available.
As long as the community doesn't get too spread apart with the different modes. Which is why having overlap with target audiences with content, as well as challenges and achievements giving every player a reason to try out each type. At least until they get the reward and can go back to the way they want to play.

Long Live Platform Racing.

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  The Tower of Time CONTEST
Posted by: Magniloquent - 26th August 2024, 9:10 PM - Forum: Platform Racing 2 - Replies (6)

Welcome, everyone, to.. 
[Image: vHPdMuN.jpeg]
--The Tower of Time--
We are proud to finally present our first official JV Trapping contest! The concept is simple: we have hand-selected (and slightly edited) partial sections of famous Trapworks, which we have ordered into chapters ascending in difficulty. While you may play the chapters in any order, we heavily suggest playing them in the listed order, as each upcoming chapter will build on techniques & concepts learned in the previous chapter. Unlike our many previous Trapping contests hosted through Legend Trappers, we have ensured that The Tower of Tower is accessible & enjoyable for all players, beginners and pros alike. While it may seem daunting, impossible even, to pass a single trap from those Trapworks you see flooding Newest (you know the ones), we assure you that is not only entirely possible to pass those traps but to master them.. that is, if you are willing to put in a little bit of time & effort to learn & improve. Should you have the courage to rise to the challenge, The Tower of Time ("TTT") will be the beginning of your journey. And in this arduous yet rewarding journey you are about to undertake, consider us your wizened, aged grey-haired guides, glad to help and share our wisdom and cheer you on. 

Please, take the time to watch this helpful introduction to both the contest and to certain core trapping concepts: 


Credits, Judges & Contacts
@TejsContest Mastermind, Judge
@Prince AndeContest Design, Judge
@MagniloquentContest Design, Judge
@StuntContest Design, Spreadsheet Wizard, Graphics, Judge
@Roman - Judge
@oxy - Judge

@Ethan7272 - Beta Testing, Feedback
@lalafox - Beta Testing, Feedback

Feel free to contact us, preferably on Discord, either on Legend Trappers (, JV Discord (, or via DMs. 


18 Points - Gladiator Set(+Epic)
30 Points - 5,000,000 Experience Points
42 Points - Bubble Set(+Epic)
54 Points - 10,000,000 Experience Points
66 Points - Reindeer Set(+Epic)
84 Points - Crocodile Set(+Epic)
102 Points - Dog Set(+Epic)
120 Points - 15,000,000 Experience Points
138 Points - Gecko Set(+Epic)
162 Points - 20,000,000 Experience Points

*Each map completion will provide 1 point; see your spreadsheet to track your progress towards your prizes!


How to Participate:
1. Join the "ToT Participant Group" here on JV from your User Control Panel (click the hyperlink) 
2. Open the Tower of Time User Spreadsheet (click the hyperlink), then follow the instructions provided on the "Welcome!" tab
3. Navigate to the The Tower of Time Sub-Forum (click the hyperlink; or see below), where you will need to create a thread and post a link to your own copy of the Tower of Time User Spreadsheet
[Image: dfnZnqn.png]
    3a. Please make an update post on your own thread from The Tower of Time sub-forum thread to notify us whenever you'd like your runs to be judged for approval
4. Finally, get playing! Search "Tower", find the next map up, start your recording, and play!
    4a. You may record/upload a full chapter worth of maps in one go if preferred (but do please include time stamps)
[Image: ChaIrtC.png]

All runs are to be completed by playing on maps made by the accounts created for this contest, "Tower", "Tower2", and "Tower3", NOT the original maps by the original creators
All runs are to be fully recorded in their entirety, unedited & uncropped with a full view of your PR2 window
    -Recordings must start at the "Search" tab with the "Account" tab open, and end only after hitting the Finish Block
This is a solo contest; you must play solo, 1P, without alts
You may use any stat set, and even play during Happy Hour if desired
You may not use any hats
Art is optional, but we do recommend enabling art to see helpful notes written in by us
You must abide by the Trapper Code of Honor:
1. You may not glitch out of the map (i.e roof-running) or glitch down to the saving area (this includes gun/sword glitches & corner glitches)
    1a. Minor shortcuts and glitches [i](including vanish or SJ-glitching) are allowed if it is confined within the individual levels of traps [/i]
    1b. One permitted exception to glitching down into the saving area: gun/sword glitching down from an otherwise unusable trap
        *(don't worry if you don't understand this rule, it won't affect you)
2. No external tools which affect gameplay, such as Cheat Engine, may be used in any way
3. You may not use exploits like client modification, mangling the network connection, item manipulation, slow-motion lag, internet disconnects/reconnects, or client freezing


--Book 1--
Chapter 1: 
#1 by Tower [Trophy Trapwork by Trophy435]
#2 by Tower [Rainbow Traps by Trophy435] 
#3 by Tower [~300 Traps~ by Soulripper] 
#4 by Tower [Madious Trapwork by Panos.21r]
#5 by Tower [Storm Trapwork by Spiritual] 
#6 by Tower [Net Trapwork by Anton.] 
Chapter 2: 
#7 by Tower [Trapwork II by Undead Angel]
#8 by Tower [Psychotic Trapwork by Championer X2] 
#9 by Tower [Combative Trapwork by ChampionerX2]
#10 by Tower [[Easy] Spatium Trapwork by Magniloquent]
#11 by Tower [TrapWorld by Devious Dragon] 
#12 by Tower [Winnie Trapwork by Schtekarn] 
Chapter 3:
#13 by Tower [Trapwork 2 by R-R-Ryan] 
#14 by Tower [Trapwork Complication by Dangtony98]
#15 by Tower [Apocalyptic Tw by –LMFAO–] 
#16 by Tower [Rogue Trapwork by –LMFAO–]
#17 by Tower [Aqua Trapwork by Panos.21r] 
#18 by Tower [[The Fallen] by Fallen Warrior] 
Chapter 4:
#19 by Tower [Mystery Trapwork by Mr. Crown1]
#20 by Tower [Cargo Trapwork by Prince Ande]
#21 by Tower [Arcane Traps by Atomic Galaxy] 
#22 by Tower [Tank Trapwork by ItzR3BK7xD]
#23 by Tower [The Last Night by –LMFAO–]
#24 by Tower [Hail to the King by ChampionerX2]
Chapter 5:
#25 by Tower [Frozen Trapwork [Easy] by Panos.21r]
#26 by Tower [Fantasy by –LMFAO–] 
#27 by Tower [Climbing Traps by Trophy435]
#28 by Tower [Classic Traps by Devious Shadows] 
#29 by Tower [[Epic] Forgotten Trapwork by –LMFAO–]
#30 by Tower [Aether Ascent by Genius Shadow]
Chapter 6:
#31 by Tower [Marquee Trapwork by Skilledzz]
#32 by Tower [Shockwave Trapwork by Curs3dR] 
#33 by Tower [Nemesis Trapwork by AvengerX]
#34 by Tower [Eclipse Trapwork by Odin0030]
#35 by Tower [Aether Ascent by Genius Shadow]
#36 by Tower [Trapwork 4 by ChampionerX2] 
Chapter 7: 
#37 by Tower [2014 Trapwork by Dangtony98]
#38 by Tower [Warped Havoc by Arthayance]
#39 by Tower [[EE] Tesseract Tw by Shattered RemainsR]
#40 by Tower [[Ascended] by Fallen Warrior]
#41 by Tower [Armageddon [Trapwork] by Death From Above]
#42 by Tower [Xenogenesis Trapwork by Grievance]
Chapter 8: 
#43 by Tower [Oblivion Trapwork by Shattered RemainsR]
#44 by Tower [[HopeFul] by Fallen Warrior]
#45 by Tower [The Fellowship by Lord of The TrapsR]
#46 by Tower [[Easy] Dynasty Trapwork by -Inspired-]
#47 by Tower [Essence Trapwork by Prince Ande]
#48 by Tower [[EE] Radiation by AbstractionR]
Chapter 9:
#49 by Tower [[Solo] Conquer by Shattered RemainsR]
#50 by Tower [Warrior Trapwork by Atomic Galaxy] 
#51 by Tower [Atlas by Death From Above]
#52 by Tower [Cryptic Trapwork by –LMFAO–]
#53 by Tower [[Easy] Omen Trapwork by Genius Shadow]
#54 by Tower [[The Lorax] by Thousand Hands]

--Book 2--
This tome has not yet been discovered..
--Book 3--
This tome has not yet been discovered..

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Frown Do Not Choose Evil
Posted by: Minimania - 26th August 2024, 6:07 PM - Forum: Blogs - No Replies

I've been scared into silence for 10 years. I have been wallowing in regret for 7. Maybe some of you know of me, but it's fine if you don't. If that's all you're here for, then just take this as a lesson. Do not choose to be evil. It will ruin your life and the regrets will linger even when nothing is wrong anymore. I make this post as a last ditch effort to find closure in the life I've led. Know that I am not seeking pity. If none of this applies to you, then take this as a means of telling what happened to me. If you don't care, that's okay too. I genuinely hope you lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Here's a little bit of context, but I will purposefully keep everything incredibly vague. And I'll go in chronological order.

  • At 13, I met someone who I saw as a hero. If you've ever heard the mantra "Never meet your heroes", well, I wish it applied here.

  • At 14, I wanted to help my hero re-obtain something he had lost. At the time, I didn't realize that in doing so I would be wronging a number of people. 

  • At 14, my hero had trained me to think of those people as obstacles.

  • At 14, I entered into an inappropriate sexually-charged relationship with an adult. 

  • At 14, my efforts to help my hero re-obtain something he had lost blew up. My efforts were reversed, and I was rightfully exiled for my actions. I chose to become a scapegoat so that the hero would not take the fall.

  • At 15, I realized that what I had done was wrong. But also at 15, I had believed that those people were evil.

  • At 15, I made another plan to help my hero. With this, I fell out of favor of my hero. 

  • At 15, he caused a rift between me and my friends, as well as the person I was in a relationship with. This was probably done as an act of vengeance, but he inadvertently saved me from being groomed. 

  • At 16, I met someone he "helped" in the past in a similar way to how he "helped" me.

  • At 16, I became friends with my hero again. I planned with him in secret to help him re-obtain that lost thing again. 

  • At 16, I took on a new "appearance". I pretended to be someone that I'm not. I put on a fake personality to match.

  • At 16, that fake identity was ousted. I yet again decided to be my hero's scapegoat. 

  • At 16, my hero threatened to cut communications with me unless I performed a series of "roleplays" with him, in which I would pretend to be my fake personality and he would "get romantic" with that character. At this time, he was older than my groomer was when my groomer was in a relationship with me. I felt uncomfortable, so I could never bring myself to fulfill what he really wanted from all of it. So he cut contact with me. And I cried because I loved him.

  • At 17, I stopped thinking about the people I wroned as villains.

  • At 17, my hero approached me about a business opportunity. Among the project's team were others that I had wronged in the past, people that genuinely hated me and for good reason. I was excited to further the project's goals. And I genuinely wanted to work on it. I was given a very threatening warning by my hero not to rock the boat. In the first place, I didn't want to.

  • At 17, I invited the someone I met that he "helped" in the past to view the project. That inflamed everything and the project blew up. So the boat got rocked anyway. I was made a scapegoat again. Everyone stopped talking to me, some for good.

  • Since 17, I have been unhealthily living in regret. There hasn't been a day that has gone by where I haven't thought about all of the terrible things I've done.

  • Since 17, one of the people I have wronged passed away. And ever since then, I've become obsessive about apologizing to the people that I've wronged, because I missed my chance to apologize to that person. I avoided apologizing to everyone because I no longer wished to be a nuisance to them. But with some help, I realized that I should just suck it up and apologize to those people if I truly am sorry. So over multiple instances and years, I've learned to become comfortable with approaching those people and attempting to come clean about all that I've done and apologize to them, to some mixed success.
  • Here I am now at 24. Despite all of my best efforts, I haven't been able to apologize to everyone I've wronged, and I haven't been able to find closure. I try not to feel sorry for myself, but time and again I have slipped up and fell into a pit. I am making this post because I don't want to live a life of sorrow anymore.

I'm posting this here on JV because this part of my life is relevant to it. A lot of the people I've wronged originally came from here. With that being said, here are some notes for those people that I've wronged. I've hidden the true names behind aliases because I feel not doing so would be wrong of me, and would be disrespectful of the privacy of those people. I doubt any of the mentioned people will read this, but I'm leaving it here just in case. If you're on here, you'll know who you are without me having to tell you. And if these notes don't apply to you, please do not try to decipher who they are.

To All: I'm going to echo apologies and promises here from my apology to the Dark One, because I think it's something that all of you should at least hear. 


  1. I'm sorry for pushing my wicked sense of loyalty and friendship on you all.
  2. I'm sorry for barging in and using fed information to make baseless unfair assumptions about you all without bothering to get to know you.
  3. I'm sorry for believing in any of you to be "villains". It's terrible to even think that anyone could honestly be "hero" or "villain", though I would call myself "evil". Evil is chosen by the person, not for the person.
  4. I'm sorry for trying to manipulate all of you into doing or thinking things that you did not want to do or think.
  5. I'm sorry for making a multitude of promises with the intention of breaking them.
  6. I'm sorry for trying to inflame the friendships/relationships held between you and for pretending that I knew about any of the things that went on between you.
  7. I'm sorry for being a terrible person in general and for being an awful cretin with awful things to say.
  8. I'm sorry for pretending to be someone else in order to skirt around the wall you had built up to keep me out. 
  9. I'm sorry for trying to stay involved in your lives for so long and rubbing salt in the wounds that were already forcefully being healed out of place. Wounds forced to heal out of place never go away.
  10. I'm sorry for being quiet about the evil that was still happening in your lives when I had already decided to stop committing evil.
  11. I'm sorry for all of the damage that I caused in all of your lives.

  1. I promise to be better to the people I meet in the future.
  2. I promise to never speak about people I've never met as if I have.
  3. I promise to no longer assume anything about you, or about what is "good for you".
  4. I promise to never manipulate people in that way ever again.
  5. I promise to never enable evil ever again.
  6. I promise to never throw any vitriol, warranted or not, to anyone ever again.
  7. I promise to stop negatively affecting your future. (In my pursuit of closure, I have inadvertently come very close to breaking this promise already. I'm sorry that I have caused turmoil in this way.)
  8. I promise to keep these promises to the best of my ability.

To The Newscaster: I'm sorry for pretending to be someone who I'm not, among other things. I made it a mission to lie and manipulate when I was younger. You asked me something with a lot of vitriol, if I was going to claim that I had inappropriate things done to me. The situation made me seem very disingenuous, but I want you to know that I don't take that sort of thing as a joke. My yes to that question wasn't a lie. But I forgive you for going there and for not believing my answer.

To The High-Leveled: I'm sorry I tried to use your standing to attempt to cause instability in the group. And I'm also sorry for the things that I've caused your friends. I hope that wherever you are now, you're doing good.

To The Dark One: I'm certain you won't read this. I've already apologized to you through another website, but I'm still sorry. I promised you that I'd stay out of your future and that I'd be kinder to others in my future. I want you to know that I'm making good on my promises. I've lied to you so many times before that I'm sure you find it hard to trust me. Take my silence as me making good on my promise to stay out of your future, and know that I'm making good on the other one. Through that, I want you to know that I meant every word I said in my apology to you.

To The Light One: You make it incredibly hard to talk to you now, but I don't blame you. I've given no reason to believe I'm anything more than a puppet. It's almost 2025 and I'm still struggling with trying to find closure on everything. The thoughts are compulsory and I wish I could make them stop. Since my words cannot reach you, I leave this to you in hopes that it will allow me to move on, so that I can finally stop being a thorn in your side.

To The Dictator: I'm just as responsible for my fall as you are. I'm sorry that I enabled you, and I'm sorry that you enabled me. Divine intervention forced you to split after your calamity. Now I know that you aren't the one in control. I feel that I've always been your seer, so heed my warning. If you ignore his failures and where he went wrong, you will fail in your ventures and he will return from his hibernation and take over again. The last time he was in control, he left you fractured. So this isn't a matter of me being fecetious or mean. It's a matter of your own survival. So if you want to reach Him, you need to be strong, whether that's on your own or with help. And if you need help still, then I'm here, still suffering, in your name.

To The Square One: I've already apologized to you through another medium. But I am still sorry about that which I've caused you and your friends. And I'm sorry that my actions, in part, tore apart goals you once held. 

To The Saved One: I'm sorry that my inability to find much closure in this has affected you in the way that it has. I know you didn't think it would be a good idea for me to post this, but I had to try. I'm sorry for all of the border skirmishes that we've shared since everything began between us. I know you said you'd let him alone, so know that I won't tie you to him or bring him to you. Also, I'm sorry that I've kept quiet on your truths. It was fear that kept me from speaking up about anything. I hope you understand.

To The Accursed One: I'm sorry for trying to drag you into this with my lies and manipulation. You had nothing to do with this and I tried to turn you into an "ally". 

To The Magic One: I've already apologized to you through another medium. You said that you'd forgotten about everything and I know that there's nothing negative between the two of us now, but I still am sorry for all that turmoil that I've caused your friends. 

To The One That Passed Away: I will never get a chance to apologize to you properly. But I am sorry to you. I'm sorry for tearing your life and your friends apart. You were filled with compassion and care for your friends and you were generous to give us a second chance after the tides of battle. I can feel you watching me from where you are. I will not be there alongside you, but know that you do not have to worry about defending them from either me, or him, anymore. I will defend them from him, should it come to that. So please rest easily. 

To The Quiet One: I'm sorry for breaking several promises I made in not talking to you anymore, and I'm sorry for causing nothing but hell for your friends. And I'm really, really, sincerely sorry for your loss (above). 

To The Loud One (Myself): I'm sorry that you weren't able to find the closure you needed. I know you keep thinking about leaving, but you don't have to feel that way anymore. It's all over. You will never have to go through it again. I'm sorry for making so many terrible decisions in the past and for choosing to be evil, and I'm sorry for ruining your life. If you come across this in the future, I hope that you find yourself closer to moving on in a healthy way, and I hope that the negative thoughts stop being compulsory. Whatever you're going through right now, I know you can get through it. I'll help you if you need it. I'll always be there for you. 

I will link this blog on my profile so that anyone looking to find out more about what happened to me will always be able to find it. You can always reply to this blog, and I will receive email notifications of new replies, so if you ever want to talk and I am not dead or unavailable, I am here. This offer goes to anyone, not just the people listed above.

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Posted by: Magniloquent - 25th August 2024, 12:10 PM - Forum: PR2 Suggestions - No Replies

test af

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Star my Hall of Fame Resume
Posted by: Addy - 22nd August 2024, 3:48 AM - Forum: Blogs - Replies (1)

Host of Styler of the month for 2 years on JV2 (June 2019- April 2021)
part of Styler and Racer of the week judging/level creation for until the contests retired. (July 2013- August 2014)
Judge for Sanzep's PR3DC (wayback machine doesn't anything saved, so here is a link to history of contests, which it shows it being a thing also won my crocidile set from this!)
Hosted a Trap tournament in 2020 as an idea from the others doing trap contests in the past (it was success and thanks to the help of my spectators and the staff of the Legend Trappers community, it became a yearly thing or atleast did for some time now.)
Creator of the Saved Accounts Tab (February 2019 that was added to the game in November 2020)
won Painter of the Month (October 2020 Also won Painter of the week back in 2013, wayback machine cannot back it up, but my account has bubble to show.)
won Campaign of the Month a whopping 10+ times! (Round 16, Round 22, Round 25, Round 42, Round 43, Round 44, Round 53, Round 55, Round 57, and Round 62)
Folded 100M F@H Points with an outdated graphics card! (GTX 1160 ti)
Beta Testerv160 since June 2020
was apart of TRUC's Don't Move Collab (May 2020)
inspired by Kongregate's Badge challenges, i thought of an ambitious idea that has everyone supporting, PR2 Challenges w/Rewards. (September 2019, more ideas in 2024 as pr2 has been updated with newer stuff.)

Currently working on progress with T&E to make more points, currently have 12 points. will keep updated.

GOALS: (for the future )

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  CotM Round 68
Posted by: Eternal - 19th August 2024, 8:02 PM - Forum: Platform Racing 2 - Replies (1)

Welcome to Round 68 of Campaign of the Month!

You'll be able to submit your Campaigns on this thread.
Additionally, if you have any levels you'd like to advertise, you can post them here too.


- Do not copy others' submissions.
- Do not include levels that are already in permanent Campaigns or award prizes (i.e. Hat Factory and The Golden Compass cannot be used).
- Try not to include levels that include advanced glitches or maneuvers.
- You are limited to two levels per creator per campaign (this includes any of their accounts).
Please include Level IDs with your submissions!

You are allowed to include any level in your Campaign that appears on PR2 (including your own); however, all levels must adhere to the PR2 rules (e.g. the level Treasury by PooZy would not adhere to the PR2 rules due to having profanity). Remember: this is the first thing users will see when starting the game!

The contest host (me) has the authority to modify/add rules as they see fit.

Submission Format

PR2 Name: Your PR2 name (the one you want your prize on)
Sub-Theme (if applicable; this is just if you want to elaborate on "December Holidays"): Example
Sub-Theme Explanation (if applicable): This is an example campaign.
Level 1: A tutorial level
Level 2: An easy level
Level 3: An easy level
Level 4: A more difficult level
Level 5: A more difficult level
Level 6: A more difficult level
Level 7: A challenging level
Level 8: A challenging level
Level 9: Something really challenging

For more information, please visit the main thread for Campaign of the Month.
Submissions close on  September 24th, 2024.

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Posted by: Different - 7th August 2024, 2:42 PM - Forum: Platform Racing 2 - Replies (4)

[Image: LO2dKUF.jpeg]

What do you guys think about the Goliathe Grand Prix Deluxe? For what it’s worth (in regards to the prizes and all), do you think it was worth your time and effort, or could it have been orchestrated better? Now obviously when I played and beaten all the levels, 9 years ago, things were different; there was no “mystery prize” available during that time. Idk even know what the “mystery prize” is.

For me, I thought it was way too many levels to go through for a hat that only survives in the game for 30 seconds. Some of you might say that it’s a useless item, and I’m on board with you. Others might say that it’s a neat little artifact to have on their accounts, which I can understand that.

Ultimately, although it was very challenging at the time, someone is going to swear out that it wasn’t challenging enough. Which is exactly why I’ve got something big planned for the future of Platform Racing 4. You see, this is because it really speaks to me when someone says that it wasn’t challenging enough, or the prize wasn’t worth it. Guys, I don’t play around. I may not be able to draw as well as people like @~JBG~ but I can certainly point you in the right direction with my creative ideas.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the GGP tournament?

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