Big Brother: Trials and Temptations RE-DUX
Counting rightwares to left
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x610
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
then back to left to right
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x611
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x612
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
then back to back esposdes on only dont exist network
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x613
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
then left
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x614
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
If the world wins the war against nothingless then would anything be something
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x615
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
if nothingless dont exist than would we all be dead
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x616

You lost me
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x617

Well back to the forecast, the forecast
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Nothing less is like a cage
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x618
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
You cant escape. there's no escape
you would see nothing at all times until death where the mind wonder
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
spa x619
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]

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