Custom block colors!
I think PR4 should have a way to change the hue of the Basic Blocks, to easily make levels more colorful!
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: sCpn5O6.png]
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Mia For This Useful Post:
  • Camer the Dragon, Master Raiden, Northadox
PR3's custom block system was nice and hugely variable, but honestly it was really hard to intuit what every block does in every level with them. I think limiting customization to just the basic blocks, and having it only be visual would be a perfect compromise. I did like Jiggmin's old block skins idea where you could change their texture too, but even just changing the colors of basic blocks would be great.
[Image: aGf8Xvh.png]
This would be really cool yeah, it'd also make the blocks more versatile in being able to convey different themes and such without having to make whole new blocks or sets of them.
(7th May 2024, 8:03 PM)Northadox Wrote: PR3's custom block system was nice and hugely variable, but honestly it was really hard to intuit what every block does in every level with them. I think limiting customization to just the basic blocks, and having it only be visual would be a perfect compromise. I did like Jiggmin's old block skins idea where you could change their texture too, but even just changing the colors of basic blocks would be great.

For me at least, I didn't have too much trouble telling what custom blocks would do in PR3, though it would definitely depend on the level/block creator, some where much better at making clearer designs than others.

If fully customizable blocks are off the table for PR4, custom colors or textures would be really nice.  Even something like PR3's different default block themes would be cool, I always liked PR2/PR3 levels that felt like they were immersing you in that world rather than feeling like typical level maker stages.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to tadtad For This Useful Post:
  • Delphinoid_, Northadox, ThePizzaEater1000

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