[PR2 Bug] Ignoring Players not working, again?!?
Just found another bug. It appears that if the user is offline and you ignore them, the chat messages won't disappear and it will stay there even if you re-ignore them and click join room. Usually when you ignore a person, whether they are online or offline, their chat messages always disappear, but not in this case. I'm pretty sure this is a server issue. Here is a video:

Messages In This Thread
Ignoring Players not working, again?!? - by Ashley766 - 3rd March 2019, 10:37 PM
RE: Ignoring Players not working, again?!? - by Addy - 4th March 2019, 12:44 AM
RE: Ignoring Players not working, again?!? - by gemj - 4th March 2019, 1:26 AM
RE: Ignoring Players not working, again?!? - by Eternal - 24th March 2019, 10:10 PM

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