Make a Story Monday
The old run-down house's front door creaked as me and my best friends, Alex and JL stepped on the doorstep. I was wearing my dollar store taco costume, still having a rip down the left side from a neighbor's cat last year, and JL and Alex had their matching pizza costumes. Alex and JL are a little over a year apart, but the younger is tall enough to where it looks like they are twins. They love food.

There had always been a younger man and an old lady there. The man was nice enough, but the woman was never seen anywhere other than her rocking chair. The dark-oak porch leaning over a weed-filled garden with many tennis balls hit from over the street. No one had ever dared, except for one person. It's been rumored to be the young man, kept there for eternities, never coming back. 

She was Crazy. She would mutter things like "Snakes" and "Baboons" pointing her hands as to zap something. Alex swore he heard her trying to pronounce Worcestershire sauce one evening. She sometimes threw her knitting on the ground and beckoned the man to come to pick it up.

Jonah, the brothers' main rival, thought it would be a good idea to go over there on Halloween. Somehow, he convinced the boys, and I got dragged into it as well.
I knocked on the door and the woman opened the door and said: " Welcome, Children ".
She cackled with laughter and a ghoul went through her chest and grasped our hands. The rumors were correct.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it

Messages In This Thread
Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 11th April 2021, 2:40 PM
RE: Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 12th April 2021, 10:14 AM
RE: Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 12th April 2021, 10:35 AM
RE: Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 19th April 2021, 10:00 AM
RE: Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 19th April 2021, 3:05 PM
RE: Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 26th April 2021, 3:03 PM
RE: Make a Story Monday - by lattum - 26th April 2021, 4:02 PM

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