Poll: What do you consider the ultimate level of disrespecting somebody?
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Spitting in somebody’s face
0 0%
Slapping somebody in the face
0 0%
Shoving somebody in the face
0 0%
Sexually harassing somebody
0 0%
Sleeping with somebody’s significant other
0 0%
Blatantly disrespecting somebody
0 0%
Insulting somebody’s mother
0 0%
I have other things that I consider to be disrespectful.
1 100.00%
Total 1 vote(s) 100%
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(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: For starters I'm not sure why you're talking about running away.

Because previously, you've been insinuating about avoiding tough situations by running away. Look, if you would have told me that you were trying to de-escalate a dangerous situation where you're being held at gunpoint or something, then I could see your perspective about avoiding tough situations. But no, you've made it sound like you were labeled as the hopeless and helpless coward (with only one method at his disposal) who deems every situation as avertible.

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: Second, it sounds like you're prioritizing what strangers think of you over the safety of yourself and the people you care about. If you and your loved ones are safe, why does it matter if someone thinks you're weak-minded? Not to mention that I personally think that someone who doesn't let themselves be controlled by their emotions or their perceptions of what others think about them is the opposite of weak-minded. I think it speaks very positively of their maturity and self-confidence, but that's just me.

I could care less what strangers think of me. I'm just trying to get you to see that everyone's response to quarrelsome situations isn't the same; therefore, you will encounter some people who respond with violence and rage. Aside from "prioritizing what strangers think of you", you have some strong viewpoints in the rest of your paragraph. I'll admit that this is usually the first way to respond to a dangerous situation.

However, I think you're stuck on the idea that you can de-escalate this situation in more than one way. You should know that you can't achieve any good results by using the same method all the time. If you're not allowing your emotions to puncture a hole in your back, then you should have no problems responding to the enemy with violence. Basically, you're telling them that I've already warned you at least once or twice, and when the behavior persists (especially invading your personal space which is off limits), connect a right hook to the jaw. It's how some people learn the hard way. So if you're so confident in your statements, then you should know that you have to get rid of your emotions and teach them a lesson with violence.

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: This is a weird thing to say... I believe that all humans should act within their moral and physical capacity to protect those they care about. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. You can advocate for women protecting others while still maintaining that men should equally protect others. I don't really understand your point. I strongly feel that the way you seem to view both men and women is dehumanizing.

Listen, I never said that a woman can't fulfill the roles that men have historically and traditionally been assigned to do. Also, there's nothing wrong with a man asking for help. But the situation at hand that I'm referring to specifically, consists of you being able to solve confrontational issues on your own instead of asking your significant other to do them for you. The modern world has taught you that men should be spineless weasels who are incapable of fighting their own battles.

Let me give you an example: You get into a quarrel with another guy. He initiated the quarrelsome situation and even when you attempted to de-escalate it, he resorted to violent tactics anyway. He pops you right in the mouth and you fall backward. You're in great shape and there's nothing wrong with you. Now why the hell would you ask your wife to fight this battle for you? You might not ask her, but you'd be surprised to know how many weak and pathetic men do. Dust yourself off, get up, and sock his ass!

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: I don't think I mentioned running away. It's true that are many situations that just aren't worth engaging in in the first place, but I think this is different to running away. Keep in mind that by causing a scene, everyone around you is affected, not just you and the other person. If things look like they're going to get physically violent, often de-escalating / disengaging is best for everyone, and it takes a great deal of strength, mental fortitude and self-confidence to be able to be the better person without letting it affect your ego. Often it's worth standing your ground (especially when you know things won't get physical), but it really depends. I just don't personally agree with using physical violence to do so.

You surely insinuated running away based on your previous solutions to deal with confrontational issues. Deep down, you're too afraid to take an ass whoopin' from somebody because your moral principles have deemed it as impermissible. Do you realize how dangerous it is to think this way? If everybody adopted the same mindset and advice that you're trying to instill in them, then they might as well toss Ju Jitsu, wrestling, and boxing out the window.

Yes, it's justifiable that your actions can cause a scene and affect others around you. But, you're making yourself look like a pathetic fool by restraining yourself from physical violence when the time deems it necessary. You can't always take down an enemy's territory with soft words. You use any form of weapon necessary to repeatedly strike the predator until they learn a lesson. Sometimes, restraining yourself from physical violence can cause someone else to lose their life because you took the cowardly way out.

What kind of example are you setting for your future children who want to become strong men who protect their future wives, huh? Real men aren't cowards... they're fearless leaders and protectors! All you're doing is telling me that you're a weak-minded individual who would rather be on the receiving end of an ass-whoopin' as opposed to the giving end. This is one of the main reasons why women leave their spouses because they instinctively know that a pacifist cannot protect them from danger!

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: This is where people just have different ideologies. I don't care if someone wants to beat me up; I would rather be hurt myself than inflict pain on someone else. That's just me though, and I don't really condone anyone else taking this approach. Morality is a largely personal thing. What matters to me is when people hurt those I care about.

So you would rather risk losing your life as opposed to defending yourself? You sound ridiculous. Anything could happen to you. It could be a situation where they subdue you to the ground and repeatedly elbow you to the frontal part of your skull until you suffer from a brain hemorrhage and die. Your careless actions are what caused your loved ones to be placed on stretchers because you've allowed your moral principles to steer the wheel.

You need to understand that sometimes, there's a lot more that's involved in a situation that utilizes you as a shield for your loved ones. When you make the rational decision to barricade yourself from the enemy and your loved ones, then it's understood that you must be prepared to use self-defense in the process. This justifies that you will not tolerate the enemy inflicting pain and suffering on you, or your loved ones. It's a moral code that I highly recommend you adopt before you get somebody seriously hurt.

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: Then I would try even harder to get them off and take their hits, or come up with a new strategy that prioritizes not committing what I believe to be an immoral act. There are plenty of ways you can divert someone without resorting to physical violence. These kinds of situations are nuanced and don't really respond well to flowchart solutions though. If somehow I was totally convinced that there was no other solution then I would have to resort to some degree of violence (hopefully only a very low level of it), but 1. this would be an absolute last resort and 2. I would still hold myself morally accountable for this. When it comes to people I care about, I do still value their safety over my own personal morality, but harming another human is still harming another human in my book.

Try harder? Why bother squandering time to protect your moral principles when you can consider teaching them a valuable lesson with violence? It just sounds so narrow-minded of you to refuse violence as a solution because of your moral principles. By the time you're convinced, it would be too late because you're preoccupied with considering other solutions to divert someone. It's like I told you before... some people learn the hard way through violence. If they sense that you're a pacifist, then I guarantee you you will get disrespected all over the place. What amazes me is that while they're physically disrespecting you, you're restraining your angry emotions and absorbing the pain like a sponge. This is very traumatizing because eventually, another part of you is going to say, "You know, you really should have just fought back." At least choke them out or something! People have lost their lives and their loved ones because they refused to fight back!

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: I want to mention though that we can talk about hypotheticals all day, but they're just hypotheticals. For example, what if you give the guy a right hook and becomes even more furious than before? What if this causes him to turn around, shoot you in the face and then go back to beating your friend? What if it makes him more aggressive and brutal towards your friend? What if your offense causes him to go hunt down your family after you're dead? We can keep going on like this, but it's very reminiscent of the way children talk about battles between their favourite fictional characters, where you keep developing them into more and more fantastic and unrealistic situations in order to ensure that the only "correct" outcome is the one you personally prefer. At the end of the day it's just a waste of time.

Then you know what you should have done first? You should have paid attention to your surroundings and become fully aware of the enemy's body language and his tool belt. His tool belt consists of any weapons strapped to his waste. If there's no gun in sight, then you shouldn't allow hypotheticals to cloud your judgment that is based on "what they might do to you". You're giving the enemy the upper hand when you do this. Everything you do in life, sooner or later, is going to be solely based on taking risks. It's how you take those risks that determine whether you'll be successful or fail in the process.

(19th February 2024, 6:36 AM)Delphinoid_ Wrote: What I believe from my own experience (and the experience of everyone I know) is that you're heavily exaggerating how often these situations happen and how hard they are to quell, possibly because you want them to be common in order to justify your own approach. Certainly there are in theory times where violence is inevitable, but these are like... once in a lifetime occurrences at best. Despite what you might believe from fictional media, most people (even at their worst) aren't "monsters" that will maul anyone who looks at them funny, and the very few people who are like that are typically avoidable. You seem to think that brawling with someone over a pack of McNuggets is reasonable though, so this could explain why you see things differently. This might just have to be something we disagree on.

That's the problem! You've been hanging around people who've taught you to disconnect yourself from any form of self-defense! That's exactly what the modern world is teaching your generation. But you guys are too blindsided to see that their manipulation tactics are emasculating men. You've successfully allowed your emotions to falsely justify that it's ok to withdraw from any form of self-defense because you don't believe in "harming another human". This sounds weak! This is exactly why it's important for men specifically, to have a strong father figure in their lives. When you withdraw yourself from self-defense or violence, then you are psychologically damaging your brain because you have these preconceived expectations that violence won't resolve anything. There's violence every single day. Your subconscious mind is telling you to take my advice out of context so that I'll look like the bad guy.

Part of adopting the stoicism habit consists of going through hardship without whining and moaning about how you feel. This is part of the masculinity code that teaches men how to develop the courage and strength to deal with adversity. So, if you're placed in a situation where you're forced to fight, then do not withdraw yourself from doing so. Do it anyway. Otherwise, you will be traumatized by the fact that you didn't even try to put up a fight. Yeah, you're right. We'll probably never disagree on this discussion because we have opposing viewpoints. Just watch Joe Rogan talk about how he got into martial arts, and maybe you'll learn something.


Messages In This Thread
THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 14th February 2024, 6:11 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Overbeing - 15th February 2024, 12:56 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 15th February 2024, 10:45 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Overbeing - 15th February 2024, 5:34 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Delphinoid_ - 16th February 2024, 8:20 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 16th February 2024, 4:43 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Delphinoid_ - 16th February 2024, 8:07 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 17th February 2024, 2:57 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Master Raiden - 17th February 2024, 9:24 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 18th February 2024, 1:44 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Delphinoid_ - 17th February 2024, 10:58 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 18th February 2024, 2:01 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Delphinoid_ - 18th February 2024, 6:45 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 18th February 2024, 2:47 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Delphinoid_ - 19th February 2024, 6:36 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 19th February 2024, 3:55 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Delphinoid_ - 20th February 2024, 2:42 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Simon - 20th February 2024, 9:27 AM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 20th February 2024, 1:35 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Simon - 24th February 2024, 10:53 PM
RE: THE DISRESPECT - by Different - 25th February 2024, 10:04 AM

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