Moving platforms
Blocks that move in a direction chosen by the player. Kind of like the Move Block in PR2, but more unique. Ideally, a way to connect more than one block together so they don't get separated. Maybe a way to change how fast the block moves. This would create some unique platforming sections! For example, a platform moving back and forth over a gap.

This is just an example image I found of how it might look:

[Image: 1*fllC2DfY-GYjpkM1O7OK2w.gif]
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: sCpn5O6.png]
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  • Camer the Dragon, Delphinoid_, Different, Master Raiden

Messages In This Thread
Moving platforms - by Mia - 7th May 2024, 7:46 PM
RE: Moving platforms - by Camer the Dragon - 7th May 2024, 8:11 PM
RE: Moving platforms - by Delphinoid_ - 7th May 2024, 10:11 PM

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