How to Stay in the Lead/Outrank the Leader

Almost everybody who's a Pr2 addict, wants to either stay ahead of everyone, or take down the big dog who's in the lead. You think you're satisfied with your current rank, until you realize how much of a Pr2 addict you really are and decide that you can't get enough. "I gotta rank up my alt's." "My main is halfway there, so I might is well continue." "This guy/that guy is getting too close... I gotta jump back in the game."

Some people are satisfied and some people are not. If you're in love with mathematics and numbers, then chances are you're not going to quit anytime soon. But hey, anything's possible, right? Which is why I've decided to make this thread. No, this is not one of those useless threads that I've made in the past; this is something very useful.

Now check this out: If you're going to either stay in the lead or outrank the current leader, then you're going to need a game plan that'll help you do just that. I'm going to get straight to the point and give you a few pointers below. These are my personal suggestions so don't bite me in the ass on this one. This thread is in 2nd person so don't take it personal because it's not directed towards anyone.

  • Always keep an eye out for your competitors- If you're in the lead and you actually give a damn about being #1, then one of the smartest things that you can do is to keep an eye out for your competitors to see if they're catching up too fast, or staying consistent with the ranking process.
  • DTA... Don't trust anybody!- Anyone who's offering to help you stay in the lead (including your friends) could be setting you up for failure behind your back. Some people are extremely jealous of your success and will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to prohibit you from staying in the lead. IDGAF how much of a smooth talker that person is... DO NOT TRUST THEM! Chances are, they want something in return!

    Really it's every man for themselves because sooner or later, that person is going to make sure that your Pr2 career is terminated long enough for them to surpass you. No one is bullet proof, so don't think that someone will not try and catch you in the crosshairs, eventually! Unless you REALLY trust your friend (which is probably a mistake), then I suggest you ride solo on this one.
  • Keep a 3 Rank minimum distance away from the player who's in 2nd place- Now why do I say this, you asked? It's because a 3 rank minimum distance (depending on how high of a rank you are) forces your competitor to work a little harder to catch up to you. Anything less than 3, and they're not that far from you, which means that you'll be anxious, knowing that they're right behind your trail! Don't even allow them to get close to you!
  • Always continue to stay up-to-date with the latest news or information in regards to updates on Pr2- Staying informed and active on JV will ensure that you are prepared for the worst and prepared for any surprises. Failure to do this will lead towards you kissing your #1 spot, goodbye ✌️Because your competitors will spot this mistake within you and take advantage of it in a hurry!
  • Collect everything in the game- Anything that's offering extra permanent rank tokens or more exp points, take advantage of that sh*t because chances are, it'll help you stay ahead of your competitors because they're considered powerups to help you maintain a far distance away from the guy in 2nd place. Folding, Happy Hours, New Hats, whatever the hell it is. Take full advantage of it because your competitors might be 😯
  • NEVER GET BANNED... EVER!- I don't care how much of a beef that you have with this online crackhead or assh**e, don't let them get to you; it's just not worth it! They could be trying to push the wrong buttons on you which could cause you to become irascible, very fast.

    You never know who's watching you or recording you! Always follow the rules on Pr2! If you get banned on Pr2 for 2-3 years because you decided to do something idiotic such as instructing someone how to hack Pr2 and they report a video of you doing so, you're f*cked because that gives them enough time to catch up to you. You see what I mean?

  • DON'T SLOW DOWN!- Unless you're at least 3-4 ranks ahead of your 2nd place competitors, don't take any breaks from macroing unless you really have to.
  • Create your own Private Server- The reason I say this is because a lot of times, people like to block you from macroing/simming your accounts because they're dicks and the personification of pure evil. Just imagine if they had a special software that allows them to locate where you're simming?! You see what I mean? Especially if you're constantly spamming happy hours and you don't want to share them with anyone.

  • SPAM HAPPY HOURS- While this may seem like an insane idea, it's actually smart because it shows that you're willing to grind and do whatever it takes to catch up to the leader. Yes, this will cost you a lot of money, but it will also get you to the top, faster.
  • Rank up your Alt's- You're going to at least need an average of 1k per round to help speed up the process because the last thing that you want is to be averaging anything below at least 1k per round. Spend some time calculating the amount of experience points earned after defeating 3 other players with exp hats, and then decide just how high you'll need to rank them. The fastest way to rank up your alt's is by OBJECTIVE MACROING.
  • NEVER GIVE UP!- While this may seem obvious, I'm going to remind you anyway. You might be a long distance behind the big dog, but if you stay consistent and grind every single day, eventually you'll catch up to him! As soon as you give up, the big dog will be enjoying a nice cold 🍺 knowing that his work is done. Don't let that sh*t happen!
  • Don't join any guilds- Why waste time dealing with people who like to block you when you can stay private and keep all the happy hours to yourself. Stay private! You don't want to draw a crowd!

  • Collect everything in the game (same thing as above)!- If the leader is taking advantage of this, you should be too. Failure to do so will create delays in the process of how long it takes for you to outrank the leader.
  • Take good care of your CPU- Your CPU is just like a child with digital components. The minute you abuse it, the minute it abuses you. What do I mean? Don't macro 24/7/365 because you could potentially overheat your CPU and eventually that's going to lead to some more problems, so give it a break from time to time.
  • MACRO. DON'T SIM- Simming is a huge waste of time because I can assure you that the big dog is not going to be simming to stay in the lead, so don't make the mistake of sitting in front of a computer with infinite mouse-clicks, thinking that. Try to search for a useful macro program like "AutoHotKey" because chances are, you're going to grow extremely tired of sitting in front of a computer all day long and cramp your damn hands up.
  • Keep an eye on the big dog- whatever the big dog isn't doing to stay ahead, make note of that, as this could be an advantage for you and a weakness for them. What goes up, must come down! Eventually the big dog WILL RETIRE SOMEDAY, leaving you a fresh opening to steal his #1 spot!

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How to Stay in the Lead/Outrank the Leader - by Different - 29th May 2021, 1:59 PM

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