Music is the greatest facilitator of changing moods. Heated squabble is temporary, and hatred is long passed throughout generations. Some may even fight simply for the sake of fighting, and don't remember where it started. Long periods of ice and relaxation will not calm down this anxiety. Rehabilitation can only go so far in the direction of shaking off worries, and in some cases will only last for so long, but music is forever. People who have an affinity for music can feel it winding through their souls. Music can unwind someone's coils, and can reach into someone's mind and make it show. Sometimes, music can end fights altogether, and ideally bring people together. 

No amount of overdosing on painkiller will take the pain away. Not now, not then. Memories long in the past trudge deep winding trails through someone's mind, and if not corrected can throw a person off track for the rest of their life, ruining them. Eventually, when I lose my music proficiency, my life is over. There is nothing left for me. Nothing makes me happy anymore.

But when I listen to music, the status quo changes. I'm no longer hinged to soreness or self-destruction. I don't feel pain, happiness, sorrow; I feel nothing, and nothing is okay. Nothing else in life can make me feel nothing.

Judge me for my taste in music, it doesn't matter to me and it doesn't matter to anyone. Your ideas about me will not change who I am, but it will change how I perceive you.

This blog is meant for discussion. Discuss what makes you feel nothing in life. There's not much else going on here anyway.

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Akaifuusen - by James Temple - 23rd January 2018, 1:29 AM

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