What would you do if you're the last person on earth
There's probably enough non parishable food for me to survice the rest of my 80 ish years as long as I don't have any medical emergenceis. Anything electrical would shut down, so there's a decent chance I'd freeze in the winter. Maybe not the first few, unless I can walk to somewhere warmer. If people ranodomly died all at once I'm assuming I can find plenty of cars still on the road with gas in them. Gas stations would obviously be shut down since the electric compnays woudl no longer work. That woudl also shut down the clean drinkable water suply so a nasty water parasit might get me quickly. Unless I loot all the stores for pre bottled water. Actually all those cards on the road would smash into eachother once the drivers randomly died, so traveling would be difficult.
As for the fun stuff, It would depend on how dead the bodys are if you know what I mean. A few hours old is quite different from days old.
Man there woudl be soo many flys...
I have ears.

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RE: What would you do if you're the last person on earth - by cremedefromage - 12th September 2023, 12:30 PM

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