Let's get this thread to a million pages!
(23rd May 2022, 9:14 PM)Different Wrote: Depends on what you're doing for a living. If you're working in an office all day (even though you love to dress professionally and love what you do), then yes, that can diminish over time. Why do something that pays you well, knowing you could be miserable at your job? I'd rather go for dream life and dream job.

Well that's the perfect outcome, isn't it? Having both a job you love that pays well. Like people who love programming and work as a software developer.
But the way I see it, money needs to come first. Passion and love for your job is just the cherry on top.

(23rd May 2022, 9:14 PM)Different Wrote: If that dream life makes me miserable working for someone (no matter how much money I'm making), I'm done.

I guess it comes down to how much you value enjoying your job. If switching to a job you love means you take a $10,000 annual pay cut, then you're essentially paying $10,000 for some enjoyment.

For the purpose of work — to earn a living  this seems counter-productive to me.
Think of what you could do with an extra $10,000 every year. You could have a month-long vacation overseas. Every single year. Wouldn't that be nice? Smile

And a $10,000 gap isn't even that much. It could be potentially be much larger.
[Image: q2GRKUL.png]
No one ever expects these conversational topics in the spam thread, I love it. This is pretty much a "discuss anything" thread.
Zack means everything to me 💛
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It's why this is my favorite thread to post in.
Zack means everything to me 💛
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I had too many thoughts in my head and they needed to be let out.

Maybe if I made a post for each sentence, we could have been on the next page by now.
[Image: q2GRKUL.png]
Here's your random clip of the day


Now I'm off to bed
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: sCpn5O6.png]
(23rd May 2022, 10:45 PM)Master Raiden Wrote: Well that's the perfect outcome, isn't it? Having both a job you love that pays well. Like people who love programming and work as a software developer.
But the way I see it, money needs to come first. Passion and love for your job is just the cherry on top.

I guess it comes down to how much you value enjoying your job. If switching to a job you love means you take a $10,000 annual pay cut, then you're essentially paying $10,000 for some enjoyment.

I mean, don't get me wrong. If you're in a situation where you're scraping by to make a living, then that's when you have to do what's best to get out of that situation. However, if you have options, then you should take advantage of them, even if yes, taking an annual pay cut is necessary. At that point, money shouldn't be an issue because I would assume you're out of that tough spot.

(23rd May 2022, 10:45 PM)Master Raiden Wrote: For the purpose of work — to earn a living  this seems counter-productive to me.
Think of what you could do with an extra $10,000 every year. You could have a month-long vacation overseas. Every single year. Wouldn't that be nice? Smile

And a $10,000 gap isn't even that much. It could be potentially be much larger.

It really depends on your situation if you see it as counter-productive. People who are in tough, financial spots would bust their asses off to make money, no matter what they're doing; I respect that. You felt like that extra $10 grand was worth it. However, it is rather counterintuitive to me, for someone to remain miserable at a job they despise, despite the fact they're making money, having options at their disposal.
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to Different For This Useful Post:
  • Master Raiden
I think valuing your time in terms of money is a shitty way to live your life. At least for me, I would rather use money as a means to live peacefully, and then I don't need anything more. That being said, I'm not struggling to buy food for dinner or 2-3 months behind rent, so that's a very different situation if that's the case.
This is why I think the ideal job is not having a job at all. Spend all your time doing stuff you want to do; rarely anyone wants to do work. It's not practical though, as we require money to function. But if I already had 5 million, you bet your ass I'm not going to work anymore, not even a stress-free job that I enjoy. There's much more enjoyable ways I can spend my time outside of work.
Zack means everything to me 💛
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The Following 1 User Says Thank You to Mia For This Useful Post:
  • Master Raiden
(24th May 2022, 2:21 PM)Kribbles Wrote: I think valuing your time in terms of money is a shitty way to live your life. At least for me, I would rather use money as a means to live peacefully, and then I don't need anything more. That being said, I'm not struggling to buy food for dinner or 2-3 months behind rent, so that's a very different situation if that's the case.

I can definitely see where you're coming from and I think it's great to be satisfied without needing too much. But I could always do with a little more.

I am not trying to say that getting rich brings joy. But rather having the time to live your life however you want brings joy, and money is probably the most valuable tool that can help you achieve that. So money and time are actually very closely related.

They way I see it is that if you're going to spend time working, why not get as much money out of it as you can so that you can afford to take the time to do other things later on?
[Image: q2GRKUL.png]
(24th May 2022, 7:22 PM)Mystery Wrote: But if I already had 5 million, you bet your ass I'm not going to work anymore, not even a stress-free job that I enjoy. There's much more enjoyable ways I can spend my time outside of work.

Yeah, that's the thing. While having a dream job means you get to enjoy working every day, that's just one thing you're enjoying. Money can allow you to enjoy countless other things.
[Image: q2GRKUL.png]
(24th May 2022, 7:40 PM)Master Raiden Wrote: I am not trying to say that getting rich brings joy. But rather having the time to live your life however you want brings joy, and money is probably the most valuable tool that can help you achieve that. So money and time are actually very closely related.

They way I see it is that if you're going to spend time working, why not get as much money out of it as you can so that you can afford to take the time to do other things later on?
I get that, it's just a lot of work to get all that money when instead I could take my life easy and breeze on through and enjoy my time. Having a job where you can spend the least amount of time at work is ideal to me.
The stupid idea of "oh, if you love your job then you won't work a day in your life" nah, you'll get sick of it after 10+ years. You hear stories about the odd one out who genuinely loves everything they do at work, but there's 8 billion people in the world, and you see there's, like, maybe 200 stories like that.
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to Kribbles For This Useful Post:
  • Master Raiden
If you trip down an escalator that's moving up, do you fall forever?

Zack means everything to me 💛
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Aaaand I give up with finding delete worthy posts to maintain 444. It took me 30 minutes to find one that time.
Zack means everything to me 💛
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Alright, time for the random clip of the day


I'll try to find some new clips I can make on Thursday, and I welcome suggestions
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: sCpn5O6.png]
Early seasons of Family Guy are a pretty safe bet to get clips from, that show is like an ADHD fever dream.
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What's the next funny post id number

Probably 80085 cause it looks like BOOBS
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Alright, I'm off to Wonderland.

In other words, I'm going to sleep.
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: sCpn5O6.png]
(25th May 2022, 10:30 AM)Mystery Wrote: Alright, I'm off to Wonderland.

In other words, I'm going to sleep.

Zack means everything to me 💛
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I have an unhealthy obsession
Zack means everything to me 💛
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