Make a Story Monday
Make a Story Monday, Transcribing Tuesday, Write-it Wednesday, Typewriter Thursday, 
Fill it in Friday, Scribble Saturday, and Short Story Sunday

Premise - Dice get randomly generated into a prompt for you to make a story 
(Using Rory's Story cubes via

Goal - Write a short story that includes some of the randomly generated dice

My Part - Give you guys the cubes as well as give an optional writers twist
Your Part - You are not obligated to do anything tbh

Rules - Not much. You can interpret the images however you want. Please keep swearing to a minimum, and keep topics appropriate. I will hopefully be posting one of these at the start of every week, but if not, - er -, I dunno. Just use last week's prompt? 
- More Rules to Come -

Example - Words are - bobby pin, slide, chair, anchor, and hamburger

I wondered how I got here, looking at my watch, counting the seconds until my friend comes over to look at the bright ocean-blue waves over the steep, rocky edge. I had been planning to propose for a while now, waiting for the perfect point to do so. I had set up a picnic - Some sub-par hamburgers, and some ice-cold lemonade. I also had some plastic chairs in the back of my old 2008 Jeep waiting to be set up. I had the box in my pocket. I was ready.

They pulled up in their slightly newer Buick, and walked out, ruffling their hands through their dirty blonde hair, sticking their keys into their jean pocket. I sure hoped that I was ready. We hung out for a while, occasionally grasping the other’s hand. I backed off of my red-checkered blanket and knelt on my back leg. With all the strength I could muster, I fumbled for my box. It was in an uncomfortable spot between my shirt and my pants. I was already kneeling, and without the box in my hand, I couldn’t do anything. I sat there dumbfounded for a good 20 seconds and started to reach over my shoe to tie it, except it was already tied. I shifted over to my other shoe, which was also tied, and sat back down. Gladly, they hadn’t noticed it. 

After another short while, my friend nudged me to go look at the waves with them. The light was dying, and the sunset was just turning an orange-ish tinted red. They walked behind me and whispered in my ear - I have something to ask - I turned around. They walked back a step and knelt with one leg. They brought out a box. I stood there for a while, and feeling something, knelt back too, with my box in my hand. We exchanged gifts, one a lavender felt, and another a furnished oak. I opened it. They did too. It wasn’t in sync, but each of us said the words, both feeling soft. We put the boxes in our pockets and watched the rest of the sunset fade.

Another One - 

Bobby was a very, very affable 26-year-old. They wore a bobby pin on the left side of their hair and a flower on the other side. They also enjoyed going to the park, where there was a slide as well as a hamburger place across the street.  One day Bobby was sliding down the slide, eating a hamburger, and wearing a bobby pin, when suddenly an anchor fell two feet away from them and hit their single mother. They were then diagnosed with depression and sat in an armchair every day, for the rest of their adult life.

See - It can be as serious or as goofy as you want; having as many or little words as you want.

Have fun. I will post the cubes each Monday and the prompt will go through the week. Feel free to use the ones from the last week as well. I will try to reply to as many people as possible at the end of the week. I also don't know if this should be a village game or a general discussion topic - either way, hope to see your replies. 

I will hopefully post one by 1:00 P.M. PDT (3:00 on the forum) at the start of every week.
As Phil Keoghan would say 

The World is waiting for you. Good luck. Travel safe
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to lattum For This Useful Post:
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The format for the prompts - 

Date - Monday, April 12, 2021 - 

Twist - Please use the word DVD once

Image -     
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it
What we live in today would be considered a dystopian reality, but none of us know the secrets of our past. Drones are most of our society, most of them melded with humans, wires grotesquely sticking out of their 5 ft long bodies. They survey the skies waiting until there are people to prey on. The only remaining standing city is a Group of gatherers under the name the umbrella people. They collect things for the higher class, things like DVDs, washtubs, books, and an occasional water purifier. Highly prized items in this world. But the only ones who know the tragic past of this place are my mother and me. Her time is fading, and I must pass the knowledge on. So that someday, just someday, the prophecy will be fulfilled.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it
This week's writers twist - Please use any word that starts with 'Z'

This week's prompt -     
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it
The old run-down house's front door creaked as me and my best friends, Alex and JL stepped on the doorstep. I was wearing my dollar store taco costume, still having a rip down the left side from a neighbor's cat last year, and JL and Alex had their matching pizza costumes. Alex and JL are a little over a year apart, but the younger is tall enough to where it looks like they are twins. They love food.

There had always been a younger man and an old lady there. The man was nice enough, but the woman was never seen anywhere other than her rocking chair. The dark-oak porch leaning over a weed-filled garden with many tennis balls hit from over the street. No one had ever dared, except for one person. It's been rumored to be the young man, kept there for eternities, never coming back. 

She was Crazy. She would mutter things like "Snakes" and "Baboons" pointing her hands as to zap something. Alex swore he heard her trying to pronounce Worcestershire sauce one evening. She sometimes threw her knitting on the ground and beckoned the man to come to pick it up.

Jonah, the brothers' main rival, thought it would be a good idea to go over there on Halloween. Somehow, he convinced the boys, and I got dragged into it as well.
I knocked on the door and the woman opened the door and said: " Welcome, Children ".
She cackled with laughter and a ghoul went through her chest and grasped our hands. The rumors were correct.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it
This week's writer's twist - Base your story in a fantasy world

This week's prompt - (Please tell me if this is working and if not, I will include a link instead)  [Image: GX9ViI]

"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it
The vast thunder clouds sparkled in the distance, look quite serene many miles away, when inside it is a vicious beast that will tear you apart in less time than it takes to yell the words "I wish I never set foot in the depths of the roil". We are not allowed to go outside, outside our tunnels at least. And the other thing with the roil, never stops, but there are creatures that can survive the roil. No one knows how or has ever found out, but there are very few survivors of the aftermath.

The highest class lives up high, above the storm clouds, in futuristic bubbles, but someone like me would never be able to make it up there. Not even if I died trying.

Our family consists of farmers. We use the hail from the roil for its natural purposes and harvest the water that drips from it to grow crops and some giant mouse creatures. I don't want to be a farmer. I want to know what's out there. I want to go and do.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win"
- Vince Lombardi
I sincerely hope that we are all winners and that we never quit. 
Do what you need to do so that you can win that race. 
Win your race.
At the very least, finish it.
Never quit.
Try, try again.
I'm sure you can do it

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