Big Brother: Trials and Temptations RE-DUX
Lighting hits the sky and the clouds turned dark the farmer The farmer!!!!!!!!!!
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
Death was coming for the kids and the farmer their lifes was almost up
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
Life was almost short for them
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
There was no light anywhere so they cant run away
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
Death comes and pick the farmer frist and the farmer just died
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
Deaths comes and try to get the kids
one of the kids
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
that feed cow to cow desired death frist
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
That kid head exploded off, the other kids started to scream and try to run away
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime

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