Big Brother: Trials and Temptations RE-DUX
The devil was just sonic the whole time playing tricks
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The devil also was the human cow becoming real
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The human cow gotten out of the farmer mind and that's how the farmer died
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The other kid gotten his head blasted open by a shotgun the cow had,
The kid woke up and wasnt really dead
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The kid tried to go back to the farm but it was burnt down
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
The story were real, The kid started screaming and yelling because the cow
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
was coming for him, he better do something quickly
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
but what is he gonna do to kill a big human cow
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
A few years has pasted the kids was now a teenager
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime

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