Let's get this thread to a million pages!
I don't care about being the best spammer, but just know that I spammed 2000+ posts in one sitting on several occasions back on Acid Forums
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Back in the good old days when people would actually have reasonable conversations with me without resorting to petty name calling like calling me cringy or a loser
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I would give anything to go back to the year 2017 and relive those 2 years of my life again
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Jobs can kiss my ass, I would retire tomorrow if I had the funds to do so
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
But noooo, we need pieces of paper in order to function in society, which means we have to spend most of our lives slaving away at a mind numbing dead end job
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
The company I work for could be eliminated tomorrow and it wouldn't affect anything in the world on even the most microscopic ways
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
It's literally just a company that helps people gamble. There's already tens of thousands of those
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
At least food retail is serving the public, I'm just helping people waste their pieces of paper they slaved for at THEIR mind numbing dead end jobs
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]

This is jobs in a nutshell
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Actually no, this video is much more fitting:

This is EXACTLY what life is. It's so ****ing depressing
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Except I don't even have someone asking me to come to bed
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
But maybe I'm getting a bit nihilistic, I have no idea
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
As a kid, I thought those scenes were funny

Now, I relate to it 100 percent
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Every week is "Don't worry Mystery, I'm sure next week will go better!"
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I don't know if I relate more with Squidward, or Stanley from The Office

They both have a very similar personality, except Stanley gets happy far more often. Usually when going home from his mind numbing dead end job is mentioned.
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
But Stanley does lose his temper at his boss, which I can say I haven't done yet.
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I'm gonna eat some pizza while I watch The Orville, and get hit right in the feels now that I know my favorite celebrity of all time finished his voice lines months prior to his passing
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Pepperoni pizza, baby

It's gonna taste good as hell, it's made entirely from scratch
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
And before anyone asks, yes it's plant-based
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Pizza hut can kiss my patootie
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]

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