Let's get this thread to a million pages!
(28th October 2023, 10:42 PM)Master Raiden Wrote: I finally got this pop-up.
Doesn't affect me though, because all I have to do is press F to fullscreen the video and it will disappear.

[Image: TxlNiVC.png]

Yeah that's how it started out for me. Then eventually, they would come after me more aggressively by giving me 3 chances to watch the video before the pop-up would completely ruin my video.
I was waiting for my bf to get home
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
(26th October 2023, 8:38 PM)Different Wrote: @Mia @Master Raiden @Uptight 534 @Camer the Dragon @dotime @David @JEEJAYEM @Adulock77 YouTube has gotten out of control with their Ad block detection bullshit. My ad blocker worked for a long time now. But now, they're cracking down, aggressively. I even have it on strict mode. I'm not watching their dumbass ads, bruh.

[Image: sWhvA2J.png]

I heard about this just a couple of days ago yeah. I personally don't use any ad-blocker and don't mind watching ads at all (plus it helps the video creators too so...)

The ads I get are all fine 🤔
They are all about things that are just whatever new product on... Walmart or whatever xD I have never gotten anything creepy except WAIT- ...only once... but that was like a weird filter issue Youtube had years ago. It was... weird to say the least.
(29th October 2023, 2:09 AM)Adulock77 Wrote: I have never gotten anything creepy except WAIT- ...only once... but that was like a weird filter issue Youtube had years ago. It was... weird to say the least.

What's creepy to me is getting ads for a local store that only has a location within 5 minutes of me. I would do without all data tracking, if I could. It's creepy that there's complete strangers out there with access to my exact name and location.
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
And I'm not talking about Amazon deliveries, I know why they need my name and address. Why does Google need my name and address? Why do they insist on sending me targeted ads?
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I'd rather support content creators directly through donations than get targeted advertising, ads for a store that's only located in the vicinity of my residence. It freaks me out. Why is it so difficult to achieve privacy in the modern world?
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
That's why smart TVs are so cheap compared to TVs in the past, these companies are harvesting and selling our data to push this targeted advertising onto us. If you own a smart TV or a Roku device (or something similar), they already know where you live.
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I saw Winona Ryder trending on Twitter and thought she tried stealing something again

It's her birthday

Now I feel bad
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
That was like, 20 years ago
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Why do we remember the bad things people did
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
One bad thing doesn't reflect the individual
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I wonder if these guests are reading my posts
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Imagine sitting in a room talking to yourself while 39 other people are listening in
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Correction, 51 other people
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
How many of those 51 "people" are web scrapers and bots, I wonder
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
I miss Roburbata
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
Now all we got is these nameless guests
Zack means everything to me 💛
[Image: Zp4SiOJ.png]
(29th October 2023, 2:09 AM)Adulock77 Wrote: They are all about things that are just whatever new product on... Walmart or whatever xD I have never gotten anything creepy except WAIT- ...only once... but that was like a weird filter issue Youtube had years ago. It was... weird to say the least.

I've gotten some weird things promoted to me through ridiculously long ads before, as well. Some of the ads were helpful, and some of them were not. It had just gotten to the point where I was exhausted when dealing with more ads. Some were highly inappropriate.

The only time they really helped me was with Full Sail, when I was listening to a song online and they promoted their ad for getting a music and audio degree at Full Sail. This was back when ads weren't so bad about 7 years ago.
(29th October 2023, 9:29 AM)Mia Wrote: Why is it so difficult to achieve privacy in the modern world?

Because the government wants to track our every move. This is also why Google stays in our business, 24/7. They want to know what we've bought online, where we live, our email address, criminal records, any names changes, etc. They don't like it when we don't have cell phones, pay with cash, anything non-traceable. This is why they're always pushing smart TVs', they can see us through satellites, listening devices in cell phones... it's a nightmare, bro.

I agree, they need to stay out of our business. If we do something wrong, they'll report it to the CIA or something. This is why we use VPN's and browse privately.
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