A Therapist turns to a therapist therapist for therapist therapy. Tired of all the therapist therapy, the therapist therapist turns to a therapist therapist therapist who is at the therapist therapist therapist therapist discussing therapist therapist therapist therapy to a therapist therapist therapist therapist therapist therapist. He goes to the therapist therapist therapist therapist therapist therapist but he won't get  therapist  therapist  therapist  therapist  therapist  therapy if the therapist therapist therapist therapist therapist therapist there is pissed.
- Bluelightning

[Image: Signiture.png]
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to Bluelightning For This Useful Post:
  • Perfect.exe
(10th December 2018, 4:27 PM)Perfect.exe Wrote: I lost nine billion brain cells reading this, please send help. haha

To the therapist Wink

Unless you a therapist seeking a therapist therapist Tongue
- -  Fred - -

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