Trump Tax Cut Win!
I'm not american, nor am I a Trump supporter, but if something is gonna "benefit people of all incomes" I'm all for it.

Edit: This is going off the article alone. I heard that some economists are saying it's a bad idea, but I can't really say much without doing more research. Politics isn't my strong point.
It's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.

Messages In This Thread
Trump Tax Cut Win! - by TheSupreme - 2nd December 2017, 9:01 AM
RE: Trump Tax Cut Win! - by ridge - 2nd December 2017, 10:58 PM
RE: Trump Tax Cut Win! - by Bluelightning - 3rd December 2017, 9:11 PM
RE: Trump Tax Cut Win! - by bls1999 - 3rd December 2017, 2:03 AM

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