[PR2 Bug] Using Artifact Hat on Artifact Level
Awards the EXP from the Artifact hat you wore into the level (i.e. you don't need to find the Artifact placed in the level to get the EXP bonus)

(If anyone has Arti hat and hasn't gotten the Arti exp, try for yourself, wear the Arti hat into the level and finish without getting the placed one)

EDIT: (I posted a vid on the JV2 discord server in the PR2 channel)
An easy solution would be to remove arti hats players are wearing when the game starts if the arti is set on that level. The more difficult (and unnecessary solution) would be to add another property to the Hat class that denotes the correct arti for awarding EXP.

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I post about the latest site updates on the Dev Log. If you have suggestions, feel free to post them here.
@Eternal and I pay for this site out of our own savings. Please consider donating to help keep Jiggmin's Village running.
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  • Ajayci 100, Ashley766, AspectZero, Camer the Dragon, gemj

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