Trial and Error v2.5!
💪🧠👑           Welcome to the                  🧂🚨💢


🌟˚-|  TRIAL and ERROR(v.2.5) |- ˚🌟

Nice! Epic!                       



🤔 What is Trial and Error?

Trial And Error is a contest similar to GGPD, but much more challenging. It is designed for either masters, or poor determined souls seeking a challenge. Boasting amazing prizes and 150 levels to conquer over 30 trials that get progressively more difficult, there's plenty of fun to be had in T&E!

✍ Credits
This amazing contest was founded by AspectZero with technical support provided by Stunt, and polishing/expansion arranged and implemented by EpicMidget.


Note: If you are a returning contestant from version 1 or 2, read the notice at the end of this post!

🤩How do I Participate?
So you want to give Trial and Error a shot? Just follow the steps listed below and you'll be well on your way!

1. Click your username at the top of the forum webpage and then go to 'User Control Panel'.
2. Under 'Miscellaneous', click 'Group Memberships'.
3. Click 'Join Group' next to 'T&E Participant'  under 'Groups you can Join'.
4. Wait for acceptance into the group. For expedited processing, notify an admin/contest host on Discord (You may still play levels while you wait to be accepted, just make sure to follow all the rules and record your runs).
5. Once accepted, create a thread in the T&E sub-thread you now have access to.
6. In the Arcade subsection on the forum main page, navigate to 'Platform Racing 2' and then 'Trial and Error'.
7. Create a thread by clicking 'Post Thread' and title it as desired, indicating who is participating. Include a link to your copy of this --->spreadsheet<--- This can be done by hitting 'file' at the top left, then 'make a copy'. Once a copy is made, hit 'share' at the top right and change the general access to 'anyone with this link' , and change the general access permissions from 'viewer'  -> 'editor'. This will allow the judges to add comments on your runs.
8. Fill out all the information in the 'User Details'  tab at the bottom, include your pr2 name in the 'prizes' section, then head to the 'trials'  tab and get started!

🤑How do I get points?
That's a fantastic question! All you need to do is submit video proof of you completing any number of levels to your spreadsheet while making sure to follow all of the rules and guidelines that are outlined next.

  • NO GLITCHING unless the level creator intended for the glitch to be used in the completion of the level. This will be obvious for experienced players, but not as obvious for newer ones. Use common sense, or ask for help if you're worried.
  • NO HATS are allowed, except for the EXP hat and KONG hat if you need some extra swag to help you through the levels.
  • ANY STATS MAY BE USED, and this includes stats you get from your daily boost or happy hour. Sometimes you need that lil' extra sauce!
  • YOU MUST BE THE ONE PLAYING so, no letting your mega-gamer cousin play for you.. We want to see what YOU are capable of!
  • YOU MAY PLAY ANY LEVEL AT ANY TIME, so if you feel like giving up on a level or a trial, that's okay! Go try another one and get those sweet points!
  • START RECORDING BEFORE YOU ENTER THE LEVEL, and make sure it's continuous until you hit the final finish block.. We don't want any fishy business up in here. (The savestate feature will involve video cuts, that's ok!)
  • YOUR VIDEO MUST BE GOOD QUALITY, so don't go recording your runs with grandpas old flip phone!
  • NO MAJOR SKIPS should be taken advantage of in your level completions, so don't even think about it! If it feels wrong, then it probably is, but don't be afraid to ask for clarification!

Each level that is completed is worth 1 point totaling 150 points over the 150 levels. If you manage to complete every level in a specific trial, you will earn an additional 1 point, totaling 30 points over the 30 trials.

  • Any video URL link containing a level run should be posted in the 'video proof' section next to each trial in the trial tab on your spreadsheet. You may include as many videos as you'd like (single, playlist, assorted, livestream vod etc), just make sure they are organized and easy to navigate. Please include timestamps of the start and finish of each level for the judges if necessary, and Make sure your video is uploaded, publicly available, and won't be deleted!
  • Every point you earn needs to be verified by a judge, so if you want those epic rewards, make sure to notify a judge that you've uploaded some level completions. Please do this by posting a comment on your personal T&E thread on the forum.
  • A judge may ask you to prove an account is yours if it is not already immediately apparent. This aims to protect against people submitting level completions found online that were completed by other players.
  • A good quality video would have a timer that is readable, as well as decent framerate and a decent bitrate overall. If you aren't certain the quality is good enough, ask a Judge!
  • Judges have full discretion over whether to accept a level completion or not, but unbiased reasoning will always be provided. Together, we can conquer anything!
  • Sometimes mistakes happen, that's okay! If you happen to make a small mistake while following some rules, be honest with the judges about what happened and the completion may still be accepted.
  • Cooperate with the judges! If the judges determine that you are breaking rules intentionally or generally being difficult, you may be removed from the contest.. yikes!

While playing through Trial and Error, you might find yourself taking a very long time to complete a single level and having to quit halfway due to life obligations or burnout which can be very frustrating (heh). This new rule aimed to tackle those issues is described below.

At any point during a level (with exceptions), you may choose to postpone your level completion until a later point. This can be done using a program called 'blockeditor' (DL: BlockEditor) which allows a map to be copied, edited, then re-uploaded to Platform Racing 2. Simply quit a level whenever you chose to 'save' your last respawn location, then later copy the map using BlockEditor, add the '1' respawn block above (or behind/wherever to avoid making the level easier) the solid block you last touched, then save and publish the level to your account.

Rules for the save state feature:
  • THE LEVEL MUST NOT BE TIMED, this should be self-explanatory.
  •  YOU MUST BE ON A SOLID BLOCK when choosing to create your 'save,' meaning a block that you would respawn on after touching a net.
  • YOU MUST ANNOUNCE THAT YOU ARE USING THE FEATURE in the pr2 chat. This is only necessary to prevent anyone from using the feature maliciously.
  • THE ENTIRE PROCESS MUST BE ON VIDEO. You must show FULL the use of BlockEditor when you choose to 'load your save' so that the original creator's level is proven to be untampered with. Show everything including: quitting, loading blockeditor, loading the level, all edits to the level, saving the level, closing blockeditor and loading the level in pr2.
  • THE SAME STATS MUST BE USED, so make sure your stats are the same before and after taking a break.
  • DO NOT UPLOAD THE LEVEL TO NEWEST, BlockEditor will ask you whether you want to upload the level to the 'newest' tab when you publish it; make sure the box is unchecked.
  • MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THE LEVEL IS NOT YOURS, just change the name to something that tells anyone looking at your levels that it is not yours. ex. 'hat factory unofficial for T&E Contest'

Other levels that are exempt from the save state feature: Overseer,

Make certain that the process is easy to follow or you may be asked to replay the level!

˚₊٩(。)۶ -|   PRIZES   |- ۶(。)۶˚₊

So you want some prizes? Well, bucko, you're gonna have to earn them first! Don't get too excited...

✏12 Points - Stick Set(+Epic)
24 Points - 2,500,000 Experience Points
🧼36 Points - Bubble Set(+Epic)
48 Points - 5,000,000 Experience Points
🦇60 Points - Bat Set(+Epic)
72 Points - 7,500,000 Experience Points
☕96 Points - Brew Set(+Epic)
120 Points - 10,000,000 Experience Points
⏪144 Points - Artifact Hat(+Epic)
180 Points - 20,000,000 Experience Points

[Image: TNEREWARDS.png]
ooo... ahh...


This is a master list of all 30 trials in the contest. These will more commonly be referenced through your personal google spreadsheet.

1. The Gate Guards
Hat Factory by Jiggmin (84156)
Redemption by Cooldude90 (5793214)
Guardian by Overbeing (5161100)
The Guardian by 898ppp (6387752)
Apocalypse by Divinity (5877893)

2. The Courtyard
Obstaclez by Firefight (4998909)
Cablad Caverns by Kwing95 (1557650)
Rapid Frustwork by Apex Frusts (6355758)
Aggression by Apex Frusts (6284044)
The Legend by nerdy (798121)

3. The Royal Guard
Adept Frust by Apex Frusts (6274523)
Alcazar by Hard 77 (6473917)
Wired by Makie98 (6309516)
Electroman Adventures by Miniberry83 (6322428)
High Anxiety by Kwing (6451283)

4. The Dungeons
Easy Frust by AspectZero (6492019)
Frustration by Apex Frusts (6313250)
Welcome to Hell by Vasalemma (2214946)
[Expert] Volcanic Inferno by Pounce (5396064)
Project #2032 by AspectZero (6487556)

5. Cavernous Wasteland
Quirk by Hard 77 (6473785)
Quick Frust by Apex Frusts (6355648)
Ezra by Hard 77 (6474083)
ClubStep by rafaelrosa123 (6424027)
Dragon’s Fortress by Fran10 (5691255)

6. An Attack In The Night
Frustration [1] by evolution. (6484158)
WTFrust by Apex Frusts (6277632)
Break Frust by Apex Frusts (6276320)
Frust (MEDIUM) by Miniberry83 (6376962)
Frust Race by Alvesta (6502245)

7. Hunting Bandits
Tobias by Frust (6403157)
Pimp Frust by Taco2 (6262787)
Time Trial - Hard by Firefight (5769160)
frust by Firefight (5809725)
~Ultimate Frust 2~ by Miniberry83 (6351839)

8. Deep Dark Forest
Insanity by SouthWind (6117484)
Initial Frustwork by Taco2 (6249639)
Frustration Easy by Fran10 (2175592)
Fantasy Frustration by Dangtony98 (6317956)
Time Of Death by Makie98 (6421975)

9. The Raging River
Abyssal by Hard 77 (6514504)
Element. By Hard 77 (6474201)
Your Wife by Kwing (5900711)
Baal's Frust by Apex Frusts (6370927)
Frustration by Instrumental777 (5865142)

10. Roaring Flames
Repent [Frust] by Apex Frusts (6416976)
Platform Racing 2 by Kwing95 (1775268)
2017-Frust by Vipa (6467716)
Suede by Hard 77 (6515223)
Dragon by AspectZero Legacy (6512831)

11. Boss Hunter
Frust School - Secondaries by 898ppp (6385209)
Brachios by Apex Frusts (6317864)
Thunder Cloud by by AspectZero Legacy (6512835)
[Frustranded] by Alvesta (6502165)
Death Temple by 898ppp (6316674)

12. A Fateful Encounter
Tower of Pisa by Stunt (6515004)
Zinc Frust-work by Taco2 (6258986)
Lazuli by Hard 77 (6515243)
Deadlocked by Rafaelrosa123 (6430488)
Capuccino by Hard 77 (6514142)

13. Soaring High
Quest For Perfection by -Level Editor- (6476785)
Quest For Perfection[Remaster] by AspectZero Legacy (6512836)
Redox by 01101100 (6514891)
[Easy] Frust Attack by Intransitive (6464524)
Deadlocked by -Level Editor- (6467130)

14. The Fortress
Depth Charge by Hard 77 (6473857)
Inverted Reality by AspectZero (6509364)
Memorial Frust by Shattered RemainsR (6474047)
Dessication by Apex Frusts (6315245)
Instinct Frust by Skilledzz (6490314)

15. The High lord
Expert by Fran10 (5610222)
Rainbow Dash by TRUC (6301789)
Blue Blues Frust by Romen. (6497247)
Andromeda by Hard 77 (6515281)
Deadlocked[Remaster] by AspectZero Legacy (6512833)

16. The Fortress Dungeons
ClaFru Easy by Kwing (5857068)
Frustration Trial by Wicked Angel (5743472)
Falling Up by -Level Editor- (6478071)
Magenta by Hard 77 (6514519)
Snake [Frust] by Genius Shadow (6471195)

17. The Eye Of The Overseer
Ascending Order by -Level Editor- (6485902)
~Ultimate Frust~ by Miniberry83 (6345680)
Frustipation by Lich (6449691)
Flame Frustration by Flame God (6468005)
Frustrator by Munim (6393244)

18. Overseer's Minions
Aarflon’s Lair by -Level Editor- (6466730)
Vespertine by Hard 77 (6514633)
Raphael [Frust] by Apex Frusts (6381203)
[2min]Frustration by Munim (6447607)
7 Minutes [Frustration] by Munim (6437914)

19. Cornering The Beast
Portal by AspectZero (6500493)
Innerbloom by Hard 77 (6514549)
Terror[Frust] by AspectZero (6492049)
Chaotic Rage by Suicide Idiot Bomber (5682115)
Frust Form by Alvesta (6502135)

20. The Overseer's Wrath
BOSS [Frust] by Genius Shadow (6467027)
Frost Dragon's Revenge by AspectZero Legacy (6512842)
Broodmother Lysrix by AspectZero Legacy (6512832)
Michael[Frust] by Apex Frusts (6381545)
Lucifer[Frust] by Apex Frusts (6376269)

21. Running From Danger
Equitable [Frust] by Genius Shadow (6466702)
Fragg Frust-work by Apex Frusts (6313914)
Frustrator’s Warm Up by Munim (6484860)
Joker Jr. [Frustration] by Munim (6436403)
[Frust Fear] by Alvesta (6502198)

22. Boarding The Flagship
Succession by AspectZero Legacy (6512839)
Frust by Polyban (6489260)
Canned Veggies by Kwing (5712157)
Gabriel[Frust] by Apex Frusts (6383885)
Tales of Gold by AspectZero (6495488)

23. Commanding The Fleet
Challenge by Kniight (5087590)
40 Steps to Freedom by AspectZero Legacy (6512845)
The Net Dance by The Unforgiven (6416205)
Century[Frust](Platinum finish) by AspectZero (6491146)
[Frust] Sticky Situation by 898ppp (6484512)

24. Facing The Enemy Fleet
Asus Frust by Curs3dR (6478349)
Lazuli by Apex Frusts (6315126)
Skilled Frustration by Munim (6448860)
Frustration Course by Munim (6452125)
Perfectionist [Frustration] by Munim (6433730)

25. Floating On Wreckage
Skill-Test [Frust] by Apex Frusts (6281698)
Amnesia by Hard 77 (6514657)
[Hard] Fragile by Shattered RemainsR (6473922)
[Impossible] Co-Frust by Vipa (6461738)
Frustration by AspectZero (6496554)

26. An Island
Free Frust by Shattered RemainsR (6472429)
Boastful Frust by Shattered RemainsR (6473579)
Ascension by AspectZero (6488925)
Imperfection by Alvesta (6502289)
Rage 101 by 898ppp (5659427)

27. Overseer's Lair
Horde by AspectZero Legacy (6512838)
Uriel [Frust] by Apex Frusts (6385420)
Prince Of Persia by Fran10 (5440263)
Resentment [Frust] (Gold finish) by Murderer (6502081)
Frustration by Intrpd (1045634)

28. The Sentinels
Challenge [Hard] by Fran10 (5349440)
Tough by Kniight (5077698)
[Frustworthy] (Warrior, 2nd finish) by Alvesta (6502168)
Serpent[Frust] by Magniloquent (6472969)
Frustration 2 by Intrpd (2061284)

29. The Last Defense
Hypertension by AspectZero (6490344)
The Gauntlet by TRUC (6469850)
Tenth Judgement by Taco2 (6247159)
Mental Adventure by AspectZero (6498897)
Pure Skillz by Fran10 (5311059)

30. Battling The Overseer
[Frust]Overseer by AspectZero (6495525)
[E]JIGGMIN (Unlimited Time) by -LP- (6483938)
Nightmare by AspectZero (6496081)
Sonia[Frust] by Apex Frusts (6402401)
Frustration 145 by Firefight (2623529)

🛑❗You have been warned❗🛑

This contest is very very difficult, so get as many points as you can! (or at least get the sets you want.. this stuff doesn't come for free!)

Don't be discouraged, keep fighting, and make sure to have fun! Don't be afraid to ask for guidance, and notify a judge if you need clarification on any of these rules.

Can you get all 180 points? Fred Fred believes in you so you must believe too!  Fred Hone and perfect your epic skills!


As of May 6th, 2024, Trial and Error is officially entering...

🥳  version 2.5!  🥳

What does this mean?
Well, it's quite simple.. Certain unfun, tedious or duplicate levels were removed and replaced with more exciting ones while simultaneously reorganizing all 150 levels with the intention of giving the player a more satisfying (and less demoralizing) experience overall.

For a more detailed description of the changes and how to convert to T&E version 2.5, look in the V2.0->V2.5 TRANSITION INSTRUCTIONS AND FAQ tab at the bottom of the contest spreadsheet.

Every player MUST convert their spreadsheet and trials to version 2.5 before continuing in the contest!

Don't worry.. You will not lose any points through this process. The contest difficulty will be a lot more predictable, with challenging levels at predictable moments which will make your inevitable victory 10 times as epic!.. So, to reiterate, please THOROUGHLY read the spreadsheet tab mentioned above for instructions and answers to all of your questions.

Good luck gamers!
The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to EpicMidget For This Useful Post:
  • Camer the Dragon, Dangevin, ExceedZero, Jakekin, Magniloquent, Mulley, Overbeing, oxy, S.Iversen, Shane1334, Stunt, Titanium, Vipa


bi3liu - 180 Points
Magniloquent - 180 Points
AspectZero - 180 Points
EpicMidget - 180 Points
Tejs - 180 Points


Vipa - 178 Points
Lich (oxy) - 167 Points
Ande - 145 Points
Death - 144 Points
HyperacticPro (Kane) - 144 Points
Jeramiah - 144 Points
Stunt - 144 Points


Joseph - 133 Points (V1)
Okbob3 - 132 Points
TheMe - 128 Points
GHSimon3 (My Little Ponys) - 121 Points


Ethan7272 - 114 Points
Ariana - 102 Points (V1)
Tibere - 100 Points (V1)


Fran10 - 88 Points (V1)
LP - 84 Points
Getodac - 79 Points
jc66266 - 77 Points
Camer999 - 72 Points
CatKing00 - 72 Points
S.Iverson(Malte) - 72 Points
TRUC - 67 Points


Mysterious - 56 Points (V1)
Moser(ShadowRazor) - 36 Points
JB - 36 Points


Skilledzz - 30 Points (V1)
Anoromodero - 27 Points (V1)
Fresh Cookies - 27 Points (V1)
Battle Hawk - 24 Points (V1)
Fr-Espyy - 24 Points
S.Iverson - 24 Points (V1)
BlackEdo - 21 Points
BronxBomber - 20 Points
ExplosionZ - 19 Points (V1)
domenico - 16 Points (V1)
m210md - 16 Points (V1)
NeonStrike - 16 Points (V1)
Colind - 12 Points (V1)
Covid19 - 12 Points (V1)
gucci - 12 Points (V1)
iGodShark - 12 Points (V1)
IHaveDaCowboyz - 12 Points (V1)
redeemer1206 - 12 Points (V1)
-Yolex- - 12 Points (V1)
Zeppy - 12 Points (V1)
Master Raiden - 12 Points
Tobi66677 - 12 Points
~JBG~ - 12 Points
Jalgzonda - 12 Points
Lalafox - 6 Points
Parking - 10 Points (V1)
Superduck10 - 10 Points (V1)
Overbeing - 8 Points
Albert - 8 Points
Agent Fire - 6 Points (V1)
Anas - 6 Points (V1)
Arvid - 6 Points (V1)
Campaigns - 6 Points (V1)
Jorn - 6 Points (V1)
JakeKin - 6 Points
manadb1 - 6 Points (V1)
Usamah - 6 Points (V1)
-xXzakXx- - 6 Points (V1)
Addy - 6 Points
Minimania of EE - 3 Points (V1)
Penguin10 - 1 Point (V1)
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to EpicMidget For This Useful Post:
  • ExceedZero, Jakekin, Mulley
(15th March 2022, 8:40 AM)S.Iversen Wrote:

please send a join request through user control panel for Trial and Error Participant so you can post your thread in the Trial and Error forum here:
Congratulations to @Magniloquent for beating all the trials on Judgless Trial and Error! Big Grin
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Ashley766 For This Useful Post:
  • Master Raiden, Mulley
approve trial 18 pls
(24th October 2022, 3:47 AM)Death Wrote: approve trial 18 pls
this is not where you post your updates lol.. please add it to your forum under the group that you already made.

@Ashley766 you should close this thread to prevent this.
𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓎 𝒸𝑜𝑜𝓁,

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to ExceedZero For This Useful Post:
  • Ashley766, Lego-man945, Master Raiden, Mulley
I cant find the fifth map in the tenth trial, "Dragon by SirGalevant (6486153)"
Actually, I can't access any of sirgalevants maps. hmm
(28th November 2023, 1:37 AM)epicmidget Wrote: I cant find the fifth map in the tenth trial, "Dragon by SirGalevant (6486153)"

Aspect moved a lot of his older maps over to a new acc: AspectZero Legacy

Including all of the SirGalevant maps

@AspectZero You should probably give Ashley the new map IDs so she can update this thread
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to Magniloquent For This Useful Post:
  • EpicMidget
I beat trial and error.. Thank you Ashley and Stunt for hosting, mag and aspect for motivation and sharing their knowledge

Participating in this event has been a very meaningful experience to me and I'd love to sit here and write an essay about my experience, but I'll spare everyone the corny lecture. The future is bright and there is lots more dopamine to farm (and share with others)

I was mediocre at this game before, but now I'm slightly less mediocre. yippie
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to EpicMidget For This Useful Post:
  • Ashley766, GHSimon3, lalafox, Magniloquent, Master Raiden
There's been a lot of activity in Trial and Error lately.. Everyone else should get in while it's hot. Go go go!
Fred  Long live Platform Racing  Fred
Wanted to hop in and say the makeover for the OP looks great! I definitely recommend giving this contest a try Smile
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to Dangevin For This Useful Post:
  • EpicMidget
Trial and Error has officially moved on to version 2.5!

Overly tedious or exceptionally boring levels have been removed, as well as those which were repetitive or reoccurring, allowing room for more thrilling net glitch spams! (..just kidding). The difficulty progression scales much more predictably throughout the 150-level pain-parade, with each trial possessing a appropriately challenging 'final boss' to really make you earn that bonus point.

If you're already a T&E participant, make sure to update your spreadsheet before continuing. Instructions can be found on the "V2.0->V2.5 TRANSITION INSTRUCTIONS AND FAQ" tab on the spreadsheet template


Fred  Long live Platform Racing  Fred
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to EpicMidget For This Useful Post:
  • jc66266
I just updated the rules of T&E to include a couple somewhat significant gameplay changes, as well as clarification on a few other topics..

Here is a full list of changes for anyone who doesn't want to read through the full post again and dissect the differences (totally fair!)


START RECORDING BEFORE YOU ENTER THE LEVEL, and make sure it's continuous until you hit the final finish block.. We don't want any fishy business up in here. (The savestate feature will involve video cuts!)
YOUR VIDEO MUST BE GOOD QUALITY, so don't go recording your runs with grandpas old flip phone!
NO MAJOR SKIPS should be taken advantage of in your level completions, so don't even think about it! If it feels wrong, then it probably is, but don't be afraid to ask for clarification!

A judge may ask you to prove an account is yours if it is not already immediately apparent! This aims to protect against people submitting level completions found online that were completed by other players.
A good quality video would have a timer that is readable, as well as decent framerate and a decent bitrate overall. If you aren't certain the quality is good enough, ask a Judge!
Judges have full discretion over whether to accept a level completion or not, but unbiased reasoning will always be provided. Together, we can conquer anything!
Sometimes mistakes happen, that's okay! If you happen to make a small mistake while following some rules, be honest with the judges about what happened and the completion may still be accepted.
Cooperate with the judges! If the judges determine that you are breaking rules intentionally or generally being difficult, you may be removed from the contest.. yikes!

YOU MUST ANNOUNCE THAT YOU ARE USING THE FEATURE in the pr2 chat. This is only necessary to prevent anyone from using the feature maliciously

If you didn't follow some of these gameplay rules in your previous level completions, that's ok! We won't be taking away your hard earned points.

Happy frusting!
Fred  Long live Platform Racing  Fred
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to EpicMidget For This Useful Post:
  • Camer the Dragon, ~JBG~
Quick shoutout to our newest 180 point GAMER who completely humiliated the T&E contest,


Who will join the exclusive 180 point club next?
Fred  Long live Platform Racing  Fred
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to EpicMidget For This Useful Post:
  • Ashley766, Levente77, Magniloquent, Tejs
Attention all Gamers!

The leaderboard has finally been updated, hooray!!!! Make sure to give T&E your all so you can climb to the top so you can show the world how epic you are.

Fred  Long live Platform Racing  Fred

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