[Image: 1lKXqUp.png]

I enjoy it, that's why. Yes, a lot of them are long af, but that's because I want to give you the full details. I'm giving you all something to really think about. Whether you agree or disagree, I brought you out of your comfort zone and made you reply. I'm different because I think differently from everyone else, and I also view the world differently from everyone else. My threads seem preposterous at times, but as long as you're learning something from them, then it's not a waste of my time.

You see, a long time ago I learned that this community really isn't so bad, once you find the rhythm in what works and what doesn't work with your threads. I've had a lot of controversial threads that people don't agree with, and that's ok. At the end of the day, I'm really not offended by anyone's comments. In reality, I'm just trying to push you guys as far as possible to see where you're coming from. Yes, I say things sometimes (that I'm thinking out loud) that label me as being offended. But, I never step over someone's boundaries or insult their character.

A lot of people wonder where do I come up with these insanely creative or ridiculous threads. Well, the truth is that I'm a creative man with an abundance of creative ideas on standby. I just sit there and envision how I want to go about creating threads. I use my imagination to make things interesting. I'm also perhaps the most controversial man on this platform. If you hate me or dislike me, don't worry about it because I'm not offended. I've had someone stop being my friend a few months ago, specifically because of my threads (you know who you are). At the end of the day, I'm really not offended. I used to be, but not anymore.

Sometimes, it's just stressful when the majority of people don't agree with your topics. So, you lash out in every way possible. But, now I'm learning that I was just being ridiculous in the first place. So, forgive me if you were offended by that. I already knew ahead of time that some of my threads would lead to some serious controversy because of the way I wrote it. Sometimes, I'm prepared for it, and sometimes I'm not. You can't say that you weren't entertained by some of my threads because I always come up with at least one thing that's worthy of attention.

A lot of you who don't normally reply to hardly anything on this sight, end up replying because of me. Even though I may bring out the worst in you sometimes, at the end of the day I got you to speak up about something. If I made threads that were short and not worthy of attention, would you really reply??... think about it. Yeah, you people may think that I'm an idiot, but this idiot is causing you to speak up and say something. I'm only challenging you to think because I'm learning more about you as a person and where you're coming from.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Different For This Useful Post:
  • DivineZerinus, ExplosionZ

Messages In This Thread
WHY DO I MAKE THREADS? - by Different - 4th September 2023, 4:49 PM
RE: WHY DO I MAKE THREADS? - by Matt - 9th September 2023, 12:20 PM
RE: WHY DO I MAKE THREADS? - by dotime - 9th September 2023, 2:38 PM

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