Poll: Which Campaign should be our winner?
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VOTING: CotM Round 58
Here are our finalists for round #58 of Campaign of the Month!

Theme by Author

- The Halloween Campaign by @Tobi66677
- The Numbers Campaign by @Addy

@Tobi66677 and @Addy must abstain from voting.

All votes will go through a verification process. Fraudulently placed votes will result in disciplinary action including (but not limited to) disqualification of campaign/vote, suspension of participation/voting privileges, and PR2 disciplinary action.

For a sample judging scheme, you can see @bls1999's judging streams on YouTube.
Voting closes on November 4th. Thanks!
Vote vote vote vote! I'll close voting sometime tomorrow (11/7)
Congrats to @Tobi66677 for winning!

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