[PR2 Bug] Level Editor - Eyedropper color preview is incorrect after moving
Problem: The Eyedropper Tool does not show the correct color when moving
Type of Problem: Client
Expected Behavior: The Eyedropper Tool shows the color of the pixel that it is currently hovering over
Actual Behavior: The Eyedropper Tool shows the color of the pixel when the Eyedropper Tool was first selected

Steps to Reproduce the Problem:
1. Go into Level Editor and place some blocks or draw some art
2. Open the Eyedropper Tool from a Teleport Block or Background color selection
3. Move around so that the blocks/art are not in the same position on your screen

The color shown on the Eyedropper Tool will no longer reflect the color of the pixel it is currently hovering over.
Instead, the color shown reflects the color of the pixel before you moved.

Additional Information:
Color selection still works fine and the correct color is applied. It's just that the preview is inaccurate.
Video: https://www.sendvid.com/6me93s14
[Image: q2GRKUL.png]

Messages In This Thread
Level Editor - Eyedropper color preview is incorrect after moving - by Master Raiden - 4th December 2023, 5:32 AM

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