Are you free from your family?
This may sound a weird question but is it uncommon that your family heavily affects your career decision for example?
Nah, your family tends to influence what you want to do. For example, a lot of people want to do what their parents did or choose not to because their parents tell them about the downsides. Another example is if someone hates their parents they are more likely to join the military.
[Image: LLwQFov.png]
My family is good, They don't really affects my career choices they more like support it
Life is a ? is it but death is a !. 
You never know what happens until it happens - ricky101/dotime
(3rd September 2023, 5:27 PM)Lego-man945 Wrote: Nah, your family tends to influence what you want to do. For example, a lot of people want to do what their parents did or choose not to because their parents tell them about the downsides. Another example is if someone hates their parents they are more likely to join the military.

My family does not care for trends so much; the most thing that effects my career choices is my mother's mental health; she has heavily asked me never to make her alone nor to leave my (divorced) father's small factory as her diseases such as discrete disorder and amorphous psychosis would get worse that could hospitalize her to pay about n * 100,000 yens every month. Also the house my mother and I used to live in together with my father is also one of her stressors.

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