PR2 v168.2: Precise Messages
PR2 v168.2: Precise Messages

This update contains some quality-of-life changes and bug fixes.

- Popup titles and headings now have bold text. This is for consistency and ease of viewing.
- There are now customized messages on the loading popups. Previously they would just say "Uploading...", which doesn't fit every situation.
- PM codes are now explained in a little help menu on the send message popup. Click the shiny new ? button for more information on the different rich formatting tags you can use in your PMs.

PR2 Hub Changes
- All pages now have the current time in the footer, according to the server's timezone. This will hopefully disambiguate the times you see on PR2 Hub.
- The part IDs list is now public. No use in having it behind an authenticated page when it's public on GitHub. You can view it here:
- The ban log and ban view pages have gotten a makeover. Go check them out at!

Moderation Changes
- Staff can now handle level reports directly from the level editor. No need to go to the level reports page on PR2 Hub!

- PM name colors now appear normally. Thanks for the report, @Camer the Dragon!
- You can now type new lines in PMs while in a race. This probably should've been fixed a long time ago. Thanks for reporting, @Master Raiden!
- Rotating no longer intensely lags the game. Thanks for the investigative reporting, @ThePizzaEater1000!
- Player popups can now be opened offline. This was an edge case of having a clickable player popup link from a stale popup still on screen (i.e., opened online, disconnected, and clicked the link). If you often find yourself offline with a level info popup open, this is for you!
- Spending more than 30 minutes in a level by yourself no longer triggers a disconnect. Solo racers rejoice at this one. Thanks for the reports, @oxy and @Magniloquent!
- The brush's starting position in LE has been made more accurate.* There's an interesting limitation feature of flash that doesn't show brush strokes unless a line is drawn from one point to another (more info from @Jiggmin himself). While the issue is still present (most noticeable when drawing vertical lines or dots), this fix greatly reduces the invasiveness of the workaround. Thanks for the report, @Lego-man945!
* As a caveat, this may end up messing with the art on some other levels (as this fix actually changes the drawing behavior on all levels, not just new ones). If you see any problems in this regard, please report them and I will re-visit this issue.

I post about the latest site updates on the Dev Log. If you have suggestions, feel free to post them here.
@Eternal and I pay for this site out of our own savings. Please consider donating to help keep Jiggmin's Village running.
The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to bls1999 For This Useful Post:
  • Adulock77, EpicMidget, Lego-man945, Magniloquent, Master Raiden, Shane1334
Shortly after this release, it was brought to my attention that there were some game-breaking glitches in LE. I have reverted the release for the time being so that I can investigate further.

I post about the latest site updates on the Dev Log. If you have suggestions, feel free to post them here.
@Eternal and I pay for this site out of our own savings. Please consider donating to help keep Jiggmin's Village running.
The Following 1 User Says Thank You to bls1999 For This Useful Post:
  • Master Raiden
Thanks for your patience! The issues have been fixed in PR2 v168.2.1. 🎉

I post about the latest site updates on the Dev Log. If you have suggestions, feel free to post them here.
@Eternal and I pay for this site out of our own savings. Please consider donating to help keep Jiggmin's Village running.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to bls1999 For This Useful Post:
  • 4h3y, Adulock77

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