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Posted by: Different - 28th January 2024, 12:13 PM - Forum: Game Day - Replies (4)

[Image: OsoTtql.jpg]

Story: One day you're minding your own business at Starbucks. Then, all of a sudden a man (who's a genetic steroid freak of nature) who's 6'8 ft tall, and weighs 315lbs challenges you to a street fight. Why? - Because you accidentally bumped into him and made him waste 4 Frappuccinos that were in a cup holder. 1 Tuxedo Frappuccino, 1 Butterbeer Frappuccino, 1 Strawberry Cheesecake Frappuccino, & 1 Twix Frappuccino. All of them have double shots in each of them, and they cost him $33. He's a black belt in Ju Jitsu, a pro wrestler, he's way taller than you and he's twice your size.

You apologize to him and offer to buy his drinks back. However, that's not good enough for him because he starts raging and screaming at you, his testosterone levels are through the roof, and then he says, "Watch where the **** you're going, you ****in' idiot!" Then he proceeds to call you all kinds of homophobic names and insults your character by calling you a pussy.

You try to calm him down but that doesn't do any good, not to mention the Frappuccinos that he bought were all limited edition and sold out. So now, he tells you to step outside so that the two of you can settle this situation in a street fight. You have no fighting skills, and as you know... street fights can be dangerous because anything goes. Basically, he wants to put you in the hospital over Starbucks Frappuccinos. What are you going to do, now? I asked you this because things like this happen IRL.

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  VOTING: CotM Round 61
Posted by: Eternal - 28th January 2024, 5:51 AM - Forum: Platform Racing 2 - Replies (2)

Here are our finalists for round #61 of Campaign of the Month!

Theme by Author

- The Valentine's Day Campaign by @Addy
- The Newbie Campaign by @Master Raiden

@Addy and @Master Raiden must abstain from voting.

All votes will go through a verification process. Fraudulently placed votes will result in disciplinary action including (but not limited to) disqualification of campaign/vote, suspension of participation/voting privileges, and PR2 disciplinary action.

For a sample judging scheme, you can see @bls1999's judging streams on YouTube.
Voting closes on February 1st. Thanks!

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  Pr2 ideas
Posted by: Overbeing - 27th January 2024, 8:50 PM - Forum: Bugs and Suggestions - Replies (5)

Being able to choose the color of a normal block like we can with teleport blocks would be amazing. If I had to change every individual block, I'd still take it. But there should hopefully be an easier way.

A way to select a group of blocks and move them together would be nice. 

A block that changes the hat you are wearing. (Not necessary with being able to block certain hats from levels). It would be cool to have a Santa section of a level, or  all of the sudden, everyone has the artifact and has 30 seconds to win. 

A way to set a level to be 1 player only.

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Posted by: Different - 26th January 2024, 10:35 AM - Forum: Blogs - Replies (2)

[Image: 3BRsDOX.gif]

I've got something very special in the vault that I'm going to release, probably next month. What can you expect? You can expect me to teach you how to become a creative writer on JV, why you're writing, winning your audience over, common rookie mistakes to avoid, and how to dominate writer's block. This stuff is highly significant because it requires you to be receptive to it if you really want to learn. It's a thread that's specially formulated for JV. Think of it as a special formula to win your audience over, create relationships, and make threads last longer.

I get it... becoming a good writer is very frustrating. Especially when it's your first time. When you don't get any replies on your threads, you're receiving the cold shoulder. You're perplexed as to what you did wrong. Even negative comments can destroy your character and make you quit. This is why I'm going to teach you how to improve your writing, what the root causes are, and why your threads suck and die in less than a day.

Naysayer 1: But Different, your threads are too long.

Naysayer 2: But Different, your threads don't get a lot of replies.

Naysayer 3: But Different, it's hard for me to follow along.

Naysayer 4: But Different, I find your tone disgusting and exasperating to read.

Naysayer 5: But Different, your threads suck.

Look, I'm not a writing prodigy, & my writing IQ isn't the greatest. However, I know the JV audience better than you think I do. So why do some of my threads end up raising a red flag in one (if not many) of the above naysayers? It's because I slack off and write, carelessly. I do a lot of freewriting and just say whatever comes to mind without considering what the audience wants or how they'll react to it. It's very difficult to appeal to an audience that is skewed mostly towards Platform Racing 2. These are the 7 things that you need to learn about JV's audience before you begin writing:

[Image: G8Tyq8X.gif]

1. They will skim read.

2. They have better things to do.

3. They want to be hooked, right away.

4. They are lurkers instead of chit-chatterers.

5. They want short threads that get straight to the point.

6. The majority of them gravitate towards Platform Racing 2.

7. The majority of them do not like to read long threads and articles.

You can expect this kind of behavior from the JV audience, as a norm. Unless you have some high-level standing, you're a writing prodigy, or you're well-respected like the community ambassadors or staff members, then you might as well get prepared to suffer from writers' death. Trust me, you'll get crickets in your threads pretty often, especially if you're a newbie. Can you create threads that are short?... sure. But they usually don't last very long, unless they're CONTROVERSIAL. You can also expect people to say "Tl;dr". This acronym is very disrespectful, especially if you want them to read what you've written. You can choose to call them out on it or ignore them because they obviously don't have anything nice to say.

It's very difficult to win people over. I have had some PROFOUND threads that have reached a stratospheric growth rate over the years, and some have completely SUBMERGED UNDERWATER. But, I don't give up because if so, then I've already suffered from writer's death in the process. One more thing to add to that: you will get negative comments on at least one of your threads that involve deconstructive criticisms, or judgmental comments that are harsh depending on what kind of thread you create. If they wrote ridiculously long and harsh statements about why they find your thread distasteful and disparaging, then just remember that you're not obligated to address each of those statements. Just respond to the most prominent ones or choose to ignore them.

So why am I doing this? So that you, the writer, do not make the same mistakes that I did. Learning from your failures will help you grow in the writing process. Think of this as a small taste of an enormous abundance of information that I will release in the full thread. If you enjoy that, then I'll teach you how to deal with negative comments.

[Image: wHCVEvp.gif]

When I'm done teaching you guys, you're going to flow through the creative writing process, effortlessly. Then people are going to be instantly hooked with your threads because you said something that really peaked their interest. Stay tuned because this upcoming thread is going to be a lot to read. I get it... 95% of you don't like to read long threads or articles. But if you really want to improve your writing skills, then it's crucial that you follow along and be receptive to the free information given to you.

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  Are you an Early Bird or Night Owl?
Posted by: David - 25th January 2024, 10:35 PM - Forum: Discussion Hall - Replies (18)

Do you prefer staying up late or waking up early? Or perhaps you're both a early bird and night owl, or maybe even neither?

Personally I'm a Night Owl for sure, I typically have more energy at night and since the day is over once I sleep I tend to stay up late because of that as well

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  ☠️ FEAR ☠️
Posted by: Different - 25th January 2024, 5:31 PM - Forum: Discussion Hall - Replies (2)

[Image: EAPQ0kp.jpg]

How many times have you ever felt pressured into doing something, or you're intimidated because the risk is greater than you can handle? It's already predetermined that you could fall off the ladder and split your brains open because the ladder is incredibly unstable, old, and rusty. The odds of successfully climbing the ladder (to reach our goals) to the top is about 0.1%. 99.9% will suffer from a FATAL DEATH by falling off the ladder. Sometimes, risky things will cost us our life. But is it worth it? Can you do it? What are the risk rewards? You shouldn't dismiss everything that's risky because then you're telling me that you're fine with living in fear, and you'll probably never accomplish all your goals. Goals come with risks, depending on what it is.

Conquering those sweet odds will get you far ahead of your competitors. But not if you sit there wondering whether you can do it or not. You could probably pull off special abilities that others can't. You could end up on a level that everyone else thought was unfathomable. But, it's risky business, man. You feel like you have no other options. Not every circumstance is worth risking your precious life and time over, obviously. But, you never know the outcome until you try it.

You see when we're faced with adversities, the inevitable, and uncertainties in life... our backs are up against the wall and we're forced to break out of our comfort zones. It doesn't matter what you're going through. If there's a problem that you need to deal with, immediately, then you have no choice but to break free of your comfort zone and deal with it. Otherwise, it'll destroy your life. A lot of us don't even realize that we're our own worst enemy, and that our comfort zones are also the root of our problems.

When you constantly feed your comfort zone (the subconscious) with everything nice and lovely, you'll end up harming yourself in the long run because the reality of the world is far from nice and lovely. This is how people end up developing weak mindsets because they're far too intimidated to deal with problems, and they're constantly thinking about what might happen. There's nothing wrong with things that are nice and lovely. But, in this world, there needs to be a balance where you learn to deal with nasty receipts because the finer things in life are accommodated with risky, unpleasant business. I get it, not every decision is a smart one. But, that's not the case with every circumstance in life. It's just like running a business - you take risks if you want to be rich, correct? You can't have a weak mindset and say I can't do it, or I'm too depressed because business (including adversities) is emotionless.

If someone told you that there are 10 million dollars on top of a 6-story building, and all you had to do was conquer your fear of heights by climbing the ladder (with BLOODSTAINS on it), would you do it? What's the situation? - You're completely broke, you're in negative $10k, you have no skills, you're unemployed, you have no friends and family to bail you out, your credit score is 350, you're $1 million dollars in credit card and student loan debt, and you're homeless. You need to take action, immediately!

Having that said, are you really going to back away like a damn coward knowing what's at stake, or are you going to step up and conquer your fear of heights? No one knows why the BLOODSTAINS are on the ladder, or the ground. Could be related to fatal deaths of falling, suicide, or anything. Is it worth it for $10 million, though? If you make it to the top, you get to collect the money and exit the safe way through the building. If you fall, it's over. You don't have to do it, but you may not have a choice.

My perspective is that sometimes we all have to take risks to reach our goals and make it to the next level. There's just no way around it, only up. Yes, not every risky decision is worth it. But, what will you do when you're left with no other options? Are you going to crawl under your blanket and bundle up like a damn coward, or are you going to face adversity knowing that you could potentially get rid of a heavy weight that's on your shoulders? The choice is yours.

[Image: KBqMyTM.jpg]

Sometimes we get caught up in a dangerous territory that we're not even supposed to be in. Sometimes our loved ones do the same thing to us. The sign says "Beware of the lion", yet you chose to walk up that dark and gruesome stairway because you wanted to see what was at the top. You keep telling yourself that you're intrepid and I'm that guy, but when the lion starts roaring, your skin turns pale and you begin to faint. Reality is, you're not that guy. However, you can become that guy by conquering your fear of adversity.

Yeah, you didn't know there was a lion in that doorway, huh?! You weren't even paying attention to the sign. It's pretty obvious by the BLOODSTAINS on the stairs. This lion will rip the bones out of your rib cage and leave you a bloody shell of a man! Why? - Because he's got malice running through his veins, he's got a black heart, and he takes no prisoners! Now obviously when we hear that first, intimidating roar, we're not going to continue walking up the stairs like a damn fool; we're going to go back down and leave. But why would you go up there in the first place? It's because your daughter decided to disobey you and go all the way upstairs anyway, and now she's terrified to go back down because of the lion. Simultaneously, you're left baffled at how she even snuck past the lion in the first place.

[Image: 0NHimBn.gif]

Do you see how our loved ones can place us in great danger? You have no choice but to go upstairs and rescue her, now. The lion hears your footsteps, you can see him staring at you through the darkness with those sinister, nefarious yellow eyes... and you can just sense that he's ready to kill you. At that point, you know you've ****ed up because you have awoken the beast; the king of the jungle! Think about your daughter! Think about what's going to happen when the lion gets his ruthless hands on her! "Daddy, help me!"

The only weapons you have are a shield and a spear. Do you choose to fight, or do you choose to back away like a coward knowing your daughter is in trouble? Do you see my point? There are just some things in life that we simply cannot avoid. You either fight through adversity or get slaughtered. There is no other option.

[Image: G8uRsZ6.jpg]

You cannot become a warrior if you're a pacifist who's reluctant to resort to violent tactics. Warriors aren't born, they're made! There is always somebody who will push your buttons! Do not allow your insecurities to dominate you because you could be facing a life-or-death, situation. No one is coming to your rescue! You either fight through adversities and deal with it like a man, or get slaughtered in the process. Are you really going to let your enemy slaughter you because you refuse to fight?? Think about your daughters' future, think about yours. Don't shiver in fear, use your sword to slayeth' the beast! If you ever want to see the light of day again, then you'll learn to deal with this gargantuan problem. You might not agree with what I'm saying, but I could care less. You tell me what would you do. One option only, folks.

[Image: EEe1rtk.jpg]

Scan the environment for a second, here. What do you see? I see an extremely long, dark, narrow, and gruesome stairway. Now, why the hell would I ever want to go up there in the first place? It's because something very valuable awaits me up there, and I'm curious to know what it is. Now, unfortunately, there is something ominous around the upper corner to the right-hand side. We don't know what it is.

Suppose it's a large boulder waiting to crush you. If you've ever played Dark Souls and made it to Sen's Fortress, then you know what I'm talking about. Normally it'd be a bad idea, and incredibly ignorant to consider walking up those stairs knowing that you could potentially get crushed. Yes, there are some circumstances in life where you'll have more than one option to deal with adversity. But, you may not always have time to think about it because it may require you to think and act, quickly. You can't just avoid these things. Just like your nightmares and adversities, they always find a way to make themselves present in your life until you learn to deal with them.

So, tell me something, folks... If you've encountered a serious problem, and you only had one option to deal with it, would you do it? How you deal with problems is discretionary. Before you develop any differences of opinion, ask yourselves what would you do in a situation like this. The enemy is bigger, taller, stronger, meaner, and tougher than you. Remember, you only have one option.

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  Photoshop PR2 into images
Posted by: ~JBG~ - 23rd January 2024, 5:25 PM - Forum: Multimedia Masterpieces - No Replies

Hi in this thread we can post photoshop edits of pr2 characters.

Fred Crossing the Alps
[Image: YnZSUcD.jpg]

Fred the Terrible and His Son Default Set
[Image: 6TJBGE0.jpg]

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Posted by: Levente77 - 21st January 2024, 9:20 AM - Forum: Discussion Hall - No Replies

Face reveal!!!!!!!!!!

Post your prettiest smiles, your nicest outfits and most importantly your face!

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  Now and Then
Posted by: Kursed - 19th January 2024, 2:17 AM - Forum: Discussion Hall - Replies (5)

hey guys lol. Just a quick discussion idea I had.
Where were you in your life when you first joined JV, and where are you now? Contrast!!!

When I first joined JV in 2012, I was 13 just entering high school! I lived at home and gamed a lot! I enjoyed rollerblading and going on JV a lot hahaha. By 25, I hoped to be into my career and to have met my life partner!

Now I'm almost 25! I'm in my last year of my bachelors degree, and I like to workout and breakdance. I surprisingly don't game as much anymore! I ended up getting some tattoos! I still live in my same home I did when I was 13! Definitely thought I'd be moved out by now when I was that age. I'm still single too, but it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would!

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  My second youtube channel have alot more views than my first
Posted by: dotime - 18th January 2024, 11:05 PM - Forum: Blogs - Replies (1)

I kinda find that odd, though on my first I rarely kind of post videos

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